Do you want some crack, little girl?

Apr 13, 2007 16:25

Dear Lush-philes.

Approximately one month ago I asked for your advice regarding a little trip to Lush I planned to make. You all were EXCEEDINGLY helpful.

A little too helpful really.

Since that time I have made not one, not two, not three but FOUR trips to Lush. Yeah, you know, when I like something, I really like it (see: Nathan Petrelli). I have tried soaps and bath bombs and bubble bars and lotion and more soap and melting bars and shower jellies -- no, that's actually still in the freezer -- exfoliators and pretty much anything else I can get my hands on.

a) LUSH IS A FUCKING CRACK DEN! Much like Target or TopShop or Selfridges or H&M. Crack den. Has anyone ever gone to Lush and only bought one thing? I highly fucking doubt it. I sure as hell haven't.

b) I will not tell you how much $$ I've spent at Lush, but suffice to say that it's been entirely too much. I have not matched raveninithewind's $140 in one sitting, but I see how that could easily happen.

c) BATH BOMBS ARE LETHAL. I have tried Avobath, Waving Not Drowning, Dream On, Tea and Sympathy, Big Blue and Butterball -- I have Blackberry, All the Jasmine and Sakura waiting in the wings. I owe thepouncer a drink for telling me about Big Blue, because seaweed plus ocean coloured water is like -- it's like a vacation in the bathtub. Sadly, the smell of Waving Not Drowning and Dream On both turned me off once they were in the tub -- hell, they turned me off so badly I pulled the plug on the drain. I do like Avobath and Tea and Sympathy though: green water and tea bags in my water are pretty awesome. Butterball I was pretty ambivalent about. I expected more from it, but you know for the most part I see that Bath Bombs are the cocaine in the crack den of LUSH.

d) Bubble Bars. I have procured Comfortable, Amandopondo, Karma and Sunny Side. I have Ma Bar, Bathos and Pop in the Bath on deck. Overall the Bubble bars haven't impressed me muchly. I know it's blasphemy to say this, but the Karma smell didn't do much for me, and while I loved that Comfortable left the water pink, I was just sort of meh when it was over. I like Amandopondo, but I'm not sure about the roses smell, Sunny Side though was fucking AWESOME. Yeah, okay gold glitter in the bath, but it's not a lot and I just really enjoyed it, so yay for that one.

e) corinna_5 and ethrosdemon, I do like the Dream Cream quite a bit, but the container is rather small for the price, so I just keep getting samples instead ;)

f) I bought the Nude Luxury Bath Melt, except I bought it under the assumption that it was a soap, so you can imagine my irritation when it disappeared three seconds into my bath. So not going there again.

g) You all were all about the soap: Karma, Demon in the Dark, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Happy. So, I tried them all. Yeah, again Karma didn't impress me. aphelant and wyoluvr, I know you swear by it, but so not for me. I won't even go into the Demon in the Dark fiasco (sameoldhope I'm still scarred), but that smell really didn't work for me. And the wax wrapper? Ari save me.

I did like the Extra Virgin Olive Oil, which smelled lovely, but it kept ending up down the drain, and that's entirely too much money for down the drain. As much as the soaps are pretty and smell good, I'll stick with Lever 3000.

h) I do have a chunk of Deep Sleep Shower Jelly in my freezer, and as soon as I use it, I will let you know my thoughts. The first time I touched it though I recoiled, because really? Wiggly and slippery? Only during sex, please -- and yet it was strangely compelling, so I had to buy it.

i) I also have a Massage Bar at home. I'll let you know about that as well.

j) belladonnalin, I am so enamoured of Coalface it is the only thing I have bought every time I go to Lush. Yes, I know what I said about soaps not being worth it, but this soap? WORTH IT. It's a little abrasive for the face, but for the neck, shoulders and back of someone who runs? AWESOME.

Have I forgotten anything?

Oh yes.

Buffy the Backside Slayer. Well, is there anything left to say about a bar that's so good and brutal that you can buy it in double its own size just to exfoliate your ass to your heart's content? Exactly. It's the shit. I see why everybody swears by it. After using it Schnuggle was a big let down. I could've just used lotion instead of that.

Overall though, I have to say that I am a Lush believer now. I still have lots of things I want to try out much to the chagrin of my pocketbook. So you know, thanks to you lot. THANKS A FREAKING LOT! :)

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