Snap crackle pimp

Mar 28, 2007 15:30

I've been indisposed as of late, but you're not all forgotten. In fact, I come bearing GIFTS for all you ungrateful wenches.

1. Last week slodwick and hackthis combined their evol powers to bring you the latest Petrelli Brothers Mix Tape I've Got Another Confession to Make, which if I do say so myself, is pretty fucking awesome. It's a Hackwick production, what else do you expect?

2. On April 8th, once again, all your lives will be improved for the better. I know of what I speak. I have been gifted by the box office gods and a short Jewish man with a bad temper and a foul mouth.

We all know the advent of new Ari means the advent of George-fic, so, you know, George, get your ass working. Your agent is coming home.

3. While we're on the subject of Entourage, I had the pleasure of beta reading a Vince/Eric story zoetrope wrote a few weeks ago, How Eric Likes His Eggs and I think you should all read it. NOW.

4. Everybody wishes they had a literaryll, but you don't. Sucks to be you. She's going to get some Stoned!Peter for all her good deeds. Oh, yes, precious.

5. The ending of last week's Friday Night Lights was so magnificent the baby Petrelli clapped. Thank you FNL for the OT4 action. I didn't even know I had an OT4. Apparently I do.
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