Why is it the ones we love we can't trust?

Feb 06, 2007 09:14

The only thing better than one night of insomnia is TWO nights of insomnia.

Also, I am turning off all phones on Monday night now, because clearly, even getting texts about what I'll be seeing (without spoilers) is totally setting me off.


I'll say up front I'm completely disappointed in the Nathan-as-Claire's father arc. Crushed. Bitter. Hella angry. Vexed. Thinking about the claw marks on the ceiling and the shoe through TV. Pick one. And now allow me to tell you why:

a) The whole writers paean to cheerleaders thing urks me. Always has. Whether it's on Smallville or Friday Night Lights or Heroes the whole 'Isn't the cheerleader the best thing since sliced bread?!' has always irritated the crap out of me. Maybe it's an American thing I just don't get. Maybe it's all that displaced writer geeky anger about never getting the cheerleader in high school that I just think 'Fucksakes! Get over it!' I really should've known Heroes wouldn't be different - in fact it went to a whole new level with 'Save the Cheerleader, Save the World!'

Man, save me a barf bag.

b) I don’t like Claire. I really just don't. I'm sure the actress is lovely, but as a character I just cannot be bothered. In fact, I feel this way about ALL the actresses on Heroes. There's too much pigeon-holing. Too many archetypes. Oooh, look at the psycho bitch (Jessica)! Oooh, look at the sainted wife (Heidi AND Niki)! Look at the loopy mom (Angela AND Mrs. B) and at the devoted torn girlfriend (Simone) and at the cheating bitch (Mrs. Parkman)!

Apparently nobody told the Heroes writers that women could be more than saintly or psychotic. Go figure.

c) This is an uncharacteristically stupid move on Nathan's part. I don’t care that it was fifteen/sixteen years ago, when chances are he was probably at basic training in Texas and they prolly met at a bar, blah blah blah, fill it in yourselves. He is a Petrelli. You really expect me to believe he doesn't know what a condom is?

d) I think I might've accepted this maybe just a smidgen more if they hadn't been so fucking OBVIOUS about it. The arm across the desk (only Adrian Pasdar could have a sexy wrist, just saying), Claire talking about how she hoped her bio-parents lived in a big penthouse in New York, Pyro!Mama talking about all her travels (you know it couldn't have been on her own dime). I mean, Jesus, make sure the anvil doesn't get your toes on the way down.

e) It was so friggin obvious, I thought 'No, surely not. Nobody is that obvious!' But I was fucking wrong, wasn't I? And I'd developed such a good theory. Damn you, Tim Kring, for fucking me over without protection! In sixteen years our kid is going to coming look for your ass!

e) Overall, I just. You know. No. I will say however that it's a shame you can't kill the cheerleader off, because I would totally take Pyro!Mama anyday. She cracks my shit up. AND - she's real.


1) Hiro was awesome. I have no issue there. The fact that Ando has a crush (a displaced one) on Hiro's sister cracks my shit up.

2) Oh, Peter, bless you and your emo-ness. Claude, bless you for being an arrogant ass. I didn't get it the first two episodes Claude was there -- I confess. He was an arrogant prick. He was mean to Baby!Emo!Peter. I don't love Peter, but I don't like anybody being mean to him either except Nathan. And then last night it hit me -- Claude is Peter's new Nathan! Claude is the new awesome asshole! And then he pushed Peter off the roof and my brain said, 'Dude, how many times have I wanted to do that? I am so jealous!' I thought he was going to fly. What happened was about fifty times better.

3) Angry!Puppy!Peter is actually kinda hot. *feels moment of shame* *is so over it.*

4) Emo!hair mockery! HAHAHAHAHA Claude, you are made of awesome.

5) And then he bitch!slapped Peter when he went crazy emo again! Claude = <3. I see this now.

6) Where is the missing scene where Peter goes to hone his invisibility control by spying on Nathan. Don't lie! We know it's there and involves nudity!

7) Did I mention the part about Adrian Pasdar having a sexy wrist? Did I mention how much he's totally improved with age? Hot damn. He'll be the first one in when I get that cloning machine working.


* So, Peter doesn't just pick up powers when he's around people he fucking acquires them, huh?. Oh. Well, that's a new and crazily awesome twist. So, Peter really can be anybody. He can fly. He can regenerate. He can become invisible. What's missing here then?

That he can go back and forwards in time.

Oh, I think somebody's going to be making a trip back in time to see his big brother when he was young and stupid and a little more sexually open-minded. (Yes, that is my next story idea).

* Next week there is a lot of Nathan action. Nathan in sunglasses! Nathan getting out of a car! Nathan looking hotass! That I can live with.
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