Heroes, The O.C & FNL

Jan 04, 2007 09:02

1) I wrote Peter/Nathan yesterday. Again. I am clearly hooked. scribblinlenore I told you it wouldn't take long. Hate the Sin, Not the Sinner. ETA: I also had some thinky Nathan & Peter analysis for episode something or other. The one with the the Sunday brunch.

So I was just watching (and re-watching, and watching again) the scenes with Nathan and Peter and holy COW, their dynamic is off the charts. I kept rewatching the scene where Peter comes for Sunday brunch, and they just keep pushing and pushing each other, hands on shoulders in turn, trying to hold the other down and control them, physically as well as figuratively. It's fucking AWESOME. And then when they're around the table and Peter's covering for why Nathan was in Vegas, he just -- Peter is SO Nathan's little brother, because Nathan will sell you anything, he'll lie through his teeth, but he'll do it with charm and you'll probably feel a little like you got conned. Peter's appears so sincere and honest though that when he's lying to you, you can't tell. He's just that good. You know what he's saying doesn't sound right, but because he's *Peter* you choose to buy it. That's SKILLS. And then later on when Nathan comes by to tell Peter he couldn't get the painting, dude, you couldn't have just called? Riiiiiiiiiight. They just -- they have to be around each other all the time. It didn't really help that Peter was wandering around in a threadbare undershirt. I am not a Milo fan, but that's a lot of hotassery, just saying.

2) R.I.P. The O.C. (2003-2007). I am actually somewhat dismayed to see you go. You gave me an awesome first season (except for that last couple of episodes) and you inspired Telegraph Avenue. For that I am exceptionally grateful. I didn't miss you while we were apart, because I was too bitter about your fuckwittery, but lately you've proven to me you're trying and for that I'm sad to see you depart.

3) Moving onward! FNL was on last night, but because I had a gig I only saw like ten minutes, and most of that was combined snippets, but I plan to see the whole thing this evening so do not be spoiling me. There are a few things I'd like to say about what little I did see

a) Are the writers fans of My So-Called Life, because all I could think when Mrs. Coach paired up Landry and Tim was Jordan Catalano and Brian Krakow. I think I may have a kink here. Do not tell me if they go bust before the end of the episode.

b) Jason Street, will you be my pissy Nirvana-loving fictional boyfriend? When he did that little spin in the music store I about died.

c) WHY DID YOU TAKE HER BACK?! *stomps off*

d) I didn't see most of this plot arc, but I came running in room just as Matt was running down the steps and calling his daddy. I almost plotzed. Oh, Matt. Baby. I know that didn't end well, I can FEEL it. His dad was too distracted at the dinner table. Just, you know, don't tell me what actually happened.

e) I've seen that quad porn tape in my Human Sexuality class. Yis.
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