I love you like I'm blind. PETRELLI FOR CONGRESS

Dec 05, 2006 08:50

First of all, it's Tuesday, which means Friday Night Lights! OMG, this show -- if you're not watching it, I just cannot begin to stress how badly you are missing out. I keep wanting to write more fiction for it, but it's been forever since I've been in a fandom where they have like regular episodes and everything*, I'm kind of caught with the innundation of fresh material. *rolls around* Ah, fresh material.

*At least it feels like it is -- BSG is too heavy to digest every week, it's like living on steak. You really do need a salad every now and then. And yet... how about that BSG on Friday, huh? Oh, Kara you are my favoritest fucked-up hetero-girlfriend EVER!

At the moment I don't love anybody more than Adrian Pasdar though, just saying.


I just do. I know other people don't see it, because he's not all effusive and slobbering all over Peter and saying he's the bestest fucked-up baby brother ever, but what the fuck ever. I don't hold truck with that sort of stuff anyway.

Nathan left every thing to come get Peter's ass and that says plenty. He could've left it to the lackeys and the six lawyers, but no, he came himself* and then Peter collapsed outside the police station and the whole thing went crazy dirty!bad!wrong when Nathan was cradling him on his lap. Just saying. Oh, Nathan. I would so marry your little twisted black heart with your fucked up priorities.

Hey, they say like is drawn to like so.

*Nathan always seems to get flack for not emoting whenever his family gets themselves up shit's creek and yet he's is ALWAYS THERE to bail them out. If he truly didn't care, he wouldn't bother at all. He'd just leave them to it. How many people can say their family was always there when they fucked up, really? And yet, there Nathan is, so you know, CUT HIM GODDAMN BREAK!

I need more Nathan icons!
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