Isn't my house classic? The columns date all the way back to 1972. (Yay, Yuletide!)

Nov 03, 2006 09:36

Dearest yuletide Santa:

I'm sure there are lots of things I could hope to see in my story -- humor, crack, Best Friends Foreva!, more humor, slash, sarcasm, gen, humor, crack, friendship -- but the fact of the matter is that I'm pretty easy to please. I write lots of things, and I enjoy even more. The best thing you could do is to write me a story that *you* enjoyed writing, because those are the sorts of stories that always seem to turn out the best. I don't want you to feel like OMG how will I ever do this? It should be a fun experience, so, if you like it, chances are I will too.


Dear The O.C.,

I gave you a one-time reprieve, because GA's been an ass lately, and well, torchthisnow said it best: I DIDN'T EVEN HATE MINICOOP. I KIND OF LOVED HER. SHE'S ALREADY MORE INTERESTING THAN MARISSA EVER WAS. SHE HAS MINIONS. I AM DOWN WITH ANYONE WHO HAS MINIONS.

Sweet Jesus gay. I need to go lie down.

We'll see, Joshua. We'll see.


ETA: Catlin, or Kaitlin, whatever the child's name, is will henceforth be referred to by me as Mini Cooper (TM), because yeah, she actually is kind of awesome. If you steal that shit I want credit.

Dear Ugly Betty,

The Special Guest Star was just hotass. Wow. And also, Vanessa L. Williams is the best evil villain ever. She's the kind of evil that shows you that hey, evil has reasoning. She should've been doing this years ago.


Dear Friday,

I am SO glad you are here, because you bring Tahmoh. Even if his hair is all kinds of unfortunate now. I know a really good stylist who can sort that out in no time.

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