Hahahaha...um what?

Oct 07, 2006 16:35

Being a fan of Battlestar Galactica is like being in a really dysfunctional relationship, with sex that's sometimes spectacularly great and sometimes spectacularly bad with NO orgasms, and you're like, um, I don't like this kinky shit, except it turns out to be a lie, and you're all, and this is why I don't talk about our relationship with my friends! Except everybody already knows you're involved, and when they see you looking all crazy they're like, "Damn, I told her to leave him, but did she listen? Now I have to listen to her superficial cracked out mumblings about tantric sex!"

1. New & Improved Colonel Tigh w/ Resolve = Mad-Eye Moody. Yeah, you know I'm right.

2. I truly believe that the hair department on BSG hates ALL the actors (except Mary MacDonell), because how else to explain the $.50 hair extensions and the really really bad dye job on Helo? Why for are you trying to make Helo look *bad*? Anders can have freshly cut, gelled and mussed hair, and Gaeta can go all hotassery (more on this later), but you can't figure out how to put extensions in Katee Sackhoff's hair?

How the hell did you get your job? Get a wig on her if it's so difficult for you!

3. Labor boss Galen is hot with the glasses. Go Galen!

4. Baby!Daddy Galen is hot too.

5. Who wants to bet that Ray K, err, Leoben is the one who is responsible for Kasey's head trauma? Seriously. He prolly snuck in and knocked the kid out, because the Cylon god told him to. The minute he brought the kid in I knew it was a lost cause of dirty pool.

6. Speaking of Kara's whole frakked up situation, seriously, AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I just wanted to weep when she was sitting there eating calmly. She killed the motherfucker FIVE TIMES! It's Fatal Attraction Cylon-style! They took her OVARY! I really want to write this now, but I fear her shit may be so fucked up that writing it would fuck ME up.

7. Mr Gaeta -- who the Chief calls Felix, eeee! (I like it when they use each other's first names, what can I say) -- dude, you were not always that hot. Seriously.

8. I don't like Sharon. Or maybe I just don't like the actress. Actually I can't even be bothered to genuinely not like her, she just doesn't do it for me. Like the way Anders doesn't do it for other people.

9. FatSuit!Lee. Yeah, I think the Old Man said everything I wanted to say anyway. Are they equating his fatness with new manpain or is it the old manpain? What drove him to his first bon-bon? What about his second? Did he OD on whipped cream the day Kara got married?

10. Why did you do that to Helo's hair? WHY? George brought back the Caesar ten years ago, it's gone now. Again. Please stop.

11. Oh, how I am loving these political statements about the US government. I know some people think it's too OTT, but I say bring it! You think the Cylons only have sex in the missionary position, too? You know, to make it a holy act? I am wrong. I will go be sane now. Fight the power!

ETA #12: Are President Roslin and Tom Zarek to become Roslin/Zarek? Are Colonel Tigh & Roslin now BFF? Is the Old Man going to want his woman back? Is he going to want his Tigh boyfriend back too? Discuss!
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