First of all, I love
Ugly Betty. I have been waiting for this show since upfronts, and it's just as good as I hoped it would be. America Ferrera is amazing, and OMG, it's like The Devil Wears Prada, but with a real girl for a change*. I've kept my eye on America since Real Women Have Curves and she's just so fucking refreshing. I feel this overwhelming urge to write UB fic from the jump which hasn't happened since, err, The O.C.
*No disrespect to Anne Hathaway, but dropping from a size 6 to a size 4 is not my idea of a life-affirming goal.
As for Grey's Anatomy
I have never been so fucking disappointed in this show in my entire LIFE.
Whomever wrote this episode deserves to be slathered in honey and locked in a tank with red ants and cockroaches and BEES.
Bailey acting all out of whack all episode and then stepping up to take responsibility for Izzie playing God? HELL FUCKING NO.
Way to just piss all over one of the strongest women characters on TV. How dare they!
What I love about Bailey is her uncompromising ethics; she is not responsible for Izzie acting the fool, she did that all on her own. And now you're saying that Bailey got soft because she had a kid? Nice with the demeaning working women all across the world. Bailey was fine, she got soft when you made her all OOC to try and make Izzie look better. To which I say FUCK YOU!
Also, this George/Callie thing is pissing me off. The bit where he's leading her on, and you're trying to pretend like it's okay?
It's fucking NOT.
She took the flack for Meredith being a home-wrecker and Meredith didn't even THANK her.
Again, GA writers, you suck.
As for Meredith and Shepard, whatever, they've deserved each other since day one.
I love Addison and am thrilled that McSteamy is back. Everyone else can rot.
In conclusion, you don’t even get any points for having
Shaft and
Julia be Preston's parents.