Where a dollar goes a long fucking way. (Links of the day)

Oct 07, 2005 09:11

1. The Breast Cancer Site needs your fingers. Seriously, this is a site where one click daily contributes to giving free mammograms to women who can't afford them. Please, if you only click on one link, make it this one, because they're having trouble meeting their daily quota, and if you can take a hour to hunt down some story, you can take 30 seconds and click on this link once a day. *

*If you scroll down on the page, or look at the tabs at the top, there are also links to The Hunger Site, The Literacy Site, and The Child Health Site, and all you have to do is click. Even with a broken finger you can do that.

on a cheerier note...

2. Pink is the New Blog. My favourite gossip site in town.

3. Harry Potter and the Hogwarts Dancers, because there is no wrong when 80s soundtracks meet Harry Potter and some seriously agile dancers. Who knew Draco could kick that high? *gacked from phineasjones

4. lyra_sena directed me to The Panda Cam at the National Zoo in Washington D.C. where you can see the newest addition to their panda family, a baby boy, and his mum. Try not to OD on the adorable.

5. yuletide is just around the corner, people, so if you said that this was the year you wanted to get on board, you need to get with the on boardness. To participate in the Yuletide Obscure Fandom Challenge you need to have written a story last year or filled in a request this year, and I really do love this challenge. I've completed it the last two years, and there's nothing like the anticipation of someone writing a story in some tiny obscure fandom just to make you happy! Think of it! Empire Records! Goonies! Fight Club! Entourage! Rome! Yeah, you know you want in.

do unto others

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