(no subject)

Jan 01, 2007 12:07

Age: 18
Height: 5'4"
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Medical Info: Willow was put into a coma in the finale of season 2, and spent some time in a wheelchair. I think that's it.

Physical traits: She's very short and very delicate. She also moves and gestures a lot and fidgets. Does "bad fashion sense" count as a physical trait? Oddly, her clothing was better in season 3 than in most seasons.

What's Okay To Mention Around Her: Everything. Willow is quite aware of her fictional status.

Notes for the Psychics: Willow's a seething mess of insecurities underneath that ... well, I wouldn't call it a facade. But she's nervous and insecure and thinks that she sucks. But she hides it okay! Also, is a witch and therefore has vaguely described abilities.

Willow's a witch, meaning that she can do stuff. Canon is ambigious as to what magic can or cannot do and what the limitations are. I've given up trying to quantify it. At this point she's doing minor levitations, minor spells, that sort of thing. She's capable of a lot more, but she doesn't have the knowledge yet, nor the training. Her spells are occasionally haphazard.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure, although I'd appreciate asking me first.

Kissing/Hugging: Willow is very touchy feely with her friends. And hilariously, with her enemies too, if Harmony's any indication.

Fighting: Willow sucks. Really. She's kinda tiny and delicate and not so much with the powerful magic and yeah. Fails.

Maim/Murder/Death: Willow saves like a freak. I'd appreciate a heads up before anything's done to her, though.

Cooking: She bakes cookies?
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