[To say the least, Robin is showing no sign that he just received a very interesting message, and then watched it self destruct moments later. In fact, he looks pretty relaxed, sitting up against a tree on the edge of town again. His team is currently playing around in the grass, with Bee currently trying to annoy BW to the point of a battle.
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I see. You couldn't handle the distance between us huh? How adorable, Rob.
Not to mention Kar and I have to have our duel for your honor and love.
[Wow, just, w o w. Okay Ampora, just act normal, yeah.]
[He's trying to sound flippant about it, like whatever totally not taken aback by the fact someone wants to have a duel over him, because what is joking and sarcasm man, this alien kid just doesn't get it bro.]
And um, of course it's necessary. I have to know if he is worthy for your love. Duh. Why, think I'll hurt him?
[Aw, poor Eridan. But Rob is definitely being overly sarcastic, here. Even if he would totally fight for Eridan's honor if the situation called for it~.]
[Staring. Just. Staring.]
Well--I don't think you'll hurt him, but sorry if I'm not exactly used to this protectiwe act you're puttin' up about my 'lowe'.
[Well, Eridan, this is the time to get used to it. He shrugs.]
You underestimate my awesomeness. And really, how can you be surprised? You're a royal, are you trying to tell me your royal families didn't duel for honor and love back on your home planet or whatever?
[But Robin's so peculiar!]
We'we handled quite a bit, Kar was our leader durin' it all. But as for duels, yeah we did, but I guess I'we just been the one duelin' not so much hawin' someone duel ower me.
[Almost makes him feel like a damsel~]
[If Eridan would like to be the damsel, Robin has no problem being the knight in shining armor~ He's awesome enough, right?]
Kar was your leader? Wow. Did not...see that. But hey, everyone should get the chance to be fought over. Now's yours.
[ohh mr grayson ooh.]
Yeah, he might not seem it, but he's actually not a bad leader, he lead us to wictory against the black king after all.
[God, Robin, you just keep making Eridan so unsure how to feel about this. So, he's going to just respond with his smugness to hide any signs of being somewhat flustered at such things like the idea of being fought over, y e p.]
Hahaha, well it's only fittin' I suppose. I'm pretty much spec-fuckin'-tactular an' all, can hardly blame ya.
[Oh ho ho~]
Well that's good to know. I need as much research on him as I can get before I challenge him in the duel. I can't let you fall into the hands of such a rogue!
And you're modest, too. [But he's just kind of chuckling.]
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