I presume that a fair amount of LJ-ers have AO3 accounts, much like most everyone has FF.net accounts. I was wondering if the AO3 comm is any better/different to LJ/FF? I find it weird that they're still in beta after 7/8 years, and I've always been wary of adding my name to a waiting list to be invited to join a website. It seems strange to me.
So: is it worth it at all? Is there better interaction with fandoms there than there is anywhere else?
Essentially I just want to know if it's worth all the effort of signing up, waiting for an invite, joining the website, dragging all my works over (or the ones I still think are decent) and reposting everything. If the experience on AO3 in the same as LJ or FF I don't know that it would be worth the effort.
Thoughts? Opinions?