Dec 10, 2016 23:06
You may or may not recall (if you even exist and I'm not just shouting into the void, but that's an existential crisis you need to have with yourself and maybe a priest) that I complained not so long ago about forgetting what it was I wanted to complain about. Well, I've been reading a few fanfics tonight and I remembered!
First, there was definitely complaining about the lack of female oral sex (cunnilingus if you wanna be wordy) in fanfic. It may be that I only like female-included sex stories in the wrong fandoms, but since I work on the assumption that the majority of fanfic is written by women, I don't understand why this part is so rushed or badly done. Surely this would be the moment to let your imagination run wild if you're a female smut writer? Instead it seems to either be not described at all, or the woman is orgasming at the very first contact, and focus immediately moves onto the man(or men)'s sexytimes. It's strange.
Secondly, if you are writing a story in a fandom where one of the couple in question has a bite that is venomous to the other SEX BITING BECOMES NOT SEXY. It can be forgiven in they bite each other, as the blood of said venomous character is also the cure the venom, but it is not OK to just have the biting and forget all about the poison. It's a very painful poison by all accounts and would certainly ruin the mood. This is especially irritating when you've mentioned not one paragraph earlier that the 'poisonous fangs' were descending. I can forgive the mix up between poisonous and venomous - it happens all the time - but for the love of gods just leave out the biting if you're not going address it.
BTW, for anyone who didn't know/actually cares: poisonous means it's bad if you eat/ingest is, venom is injected into you (or in the case of spitting cobras spat at you).