Check out my new ride

Dec 16, 2005 13:18

I had a very odd dream this morning.  I remember very little, but it definitely involved travelling with Dan and his friend Seth in a drivable refrigerator.  We drove (on the freeway!) to this restaurant that had sandwiches and someone asked, "Hey does he look Vietnamese" which I was baffled by, but actually I noticed later there was a Vietnamese guy in the back.  So I guess they were Vietnamese sandwiches (thanks Tanya) even though I still don't know what those are.  After that we drove to some elaborate beach party with a bunch of people I didn't know.  We pulled up the 'fridge in back and opened it up to reveal quite a bit of alcohol.

The party was split into two levels, one below the house I guess by the beach.  That's where I was.  Someone was giving out drinks and such.  Dan and I went upstairs and I recognised this girl.  In the dream I remembered this woman as being a famous actress I had looked up online who also studied nanotechnology. (I know of such actress in the real world, unfortunately.)  Anyway, I proceeded to ignore everyone and go in back towards the 'fridge.

In it there were these little bottles of "liqueur" which looked like spice bottles, and actually contained tiny little pebble-shaped balls of what apparently was a liqueur-gelatine-type substance that had to be melted down and properly mixed with spices or whatever into the proper liqueur.  I don't know where that came from!  But there were about 15 bottles of this stuff.  There was also this pizza dough mix, and something else I can't remember at the moment.

I came back empty-handed, and the nano-actress girl was sitting on a log in front of a camp fire (I guess there was a fire!) I believe by herself so I was trying to work up the courage to go talk to her, and then noticed my sister was there right behind her talking to someone.  I went past them both and over to Dan who was with some other people.  Looking out over the lake it was absolutely gorgeous, with a few colours in the sky and the moon reflecting on the water, and I think some guy in a boat in view also.  I yelled for Dan to take a picture, and I think he had, and the next time I looked the moon had just kind of faded away (perhaps it was covered by clouds, perhaps it had been blown up, who knows).  After that the dream gets fuzzy, perhaps I woke up.  I just thought it was all very odd, especially the refrigerator-car, that was pretty cool.  So, make what you will of that!
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