Today I received my official "Notice of Reduction in Force". It was a very nice form letter, utilizing some beautiful mail-merge skills. The consideration of Northwest is really quite touching.
Basically, as of 29 April I'm laid off. No more jetsetting for me. I get one final trip which I can use within 30 days of my layoff, which I'll probably use to go around Europe for the month. My trip to New Zealand is cancelled. I'm rather upset about this, but at least I'll be able to start collecting unemployment! I swear I'll look for a job every day I'm in Europe. :)
This pretty much sums up how I feel right now:
Cost of Living Now Outweighs Benefits.
"This is sobering news," said study director Jack Farness. "For the first time, we have statistical evidence of what we've suspected for the past 40 years: Life really isn't worth living."