Three good things happened yesterday.
1) Got my haircut. It was starting to get too long, and since I hadn't cut it since November, I figured it was time. Same length as before, and just as awesome as before. Has further cemented my vow to never grow my hair long ever again.
2) Hung out with Christie, Shels and Luis, for the second time in as many days, this time at Christie's house. Saw The Spirit; if you ever get the chance to watch it--DON'T. Those are ~ 1 1/2 hours of your life you're never getting back. As Shels put it: "Did you pay money to see this?" Had fun with them, as usual. Will be sad when they all leave me (Christie for Texas, Luis and Shels for grad school), but I try not to think about that too much even though we've lately begun to discuss these things more often.
And best of all:
3) Heard from the project coordinator of the Miami-Dade County arm of
Operation TEACH, and I have an interview with him April 21 at 1.30 pm. Finally, there is progress in my never-ending struggle to secure employment in my chosen profession. : )
Wish me luck, huh? Imma need it.