And this is why I hate other peoples' children.

Dec 18, 2008 15:28

 Soooooooo...there was Bobo-sitting to be done today.  As usual, I was given my 9th graders.

And today was the first day I've ever HATED 9th graders.  Really, REALLY, I-hope-you-all-die-in-a-fire hated.

1st and 2nd were obnoxious but nothing very unusual.  3rd decided to kick up the obnoxious factor by SETTING OFF A STINK BOMB IN THE BACK OF MY MOTHERFUCKING CLASSROOM WHAT. THE. FUCK.

I already kind of hated them because one of the teachers in the building came by and told me not to let the little shitheads loiter in the hallways because teachers complained about it.  I didn't know they were loitering, because the teacher I subbed for has paper covering the window in her door, so I couldn't see out into the hallway.  But setting off a stink bomb in the room?  That is a whole new level of fucked up, which sent me into an entirely new dimension of pissed.

4th was only slightly better: they decided that rather than watch Gladiator as per their teacher's instruction, their time was better spent throwing paper balls at each other.  I had to stop two separate paper ball fights, and the only reason I didn't get to punish the little fuckers with more book work was because I only had literally two minutes left of class.

But that's okay: I'm subbing the same class tomorrow, and 3rd and 4th are in for an unpleasant surprise.  For you see, their behavior today says to me, that they felt that they were not busy enough.  And so tomorrow, the last day of class before Christmas vacation, I will make sure that any demon spawn from 3rd and 4th that show up tomorrow are quite content with the amount of work they need, so that they don't feel the need to amuse themselves with stink bombs or paper ball fights.

Incidentally, 6th period, which according to yesterday's sub were bad (3rd was also bad)...were good.  In fact, they might have been my favorite class of the day.  Maybe because I threatened them with more work.

All the other classes were whatever.  I didn't hate them, I didn't really like them, they were just sort of there...and then they weren't.  I was sorta happy once they were gone, though, so maybe I didn't like them after all.  Hm.

Anyway.  I had to tell you guys this story.  I have other Bobo Snippets from past Bobo-sittings, but they will have to wait for another day.  I just had to share this all with you, because of the WTF factor.

So yeah.  The future of America. guys scared yet? 

psychotic fucking hatreds, 3 alarm wtf, people i can do without, work, me and my bobos

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