Feb 20, 2008 17:38
I have finally found a free moment (actually, I should be getting dinner sort of started, but that can wait a few minutes), so I'm going to use it to bore you all with the minutiae of my life.
Grandparents are up in Gainesville; the Baby Gator caught the flu, and she was in a bad enough way that leaving her apartment for things like food (she's on a meal plan) is impossible. So they're up there taking care of her until at least Sunday.
That leaves me and my mommy in charge of the house and house-related things, like laundry, food, the garbage (which will have to go out Friday...), the mail, and all that. Which is fine, we can deal (my stepdad is a little...hm, shall we say absentminded when it comes to these kinds of things, so help from him is definitely out). Although with my alarm clock on the fritz (sometimes it doesn't go off at all, now), she's going to have to wake me up. And if I end up working Friday, I see myself getting up at 4.30 so as to be able to make and pack up my lunch and make my breakfast before I leave the house. I may go buy a new alarm clock at like Linens n Things or something on the way home Thursday (if I work). Otherwise, I'll leave that for the weekend (probably Saturday...).
I have a full weekend ahead of me. And a paper for my American Lit class due Monday. And 2 midterms next week (History of Japan: Feb 26; Japanese Culture & Society: Feb 28).
My oh my.
Things To Do:
- pay credit card bill
- pay dermatologist bill
- take out money for Saturday (Hatsume festival at Morikami, going with Luis & Shels, and possibly Christie, if she's okay to go after having her wisdom teeth yanked on Thursday)
- turn in my GK scores to the COE (must be done tomorrow)
- ...whatever else comes up.