It has occurred to me that I may have dived into the deep end of the Academic Pool a little less cautiously than I had first believed.
Or: Holy fuckballs, there are not enough hours in the day to read all of this heavy, tedious and esoteric shit WTFWASITHINKINGPLEASE FUCKINGKILLMENOW.
I have to read a hell of a lot before Monday, including 1 book, 5 articles discussing a subject I know absolutely nothing about, and another 5 on a subject I am equally ignorant. I also have to write about all of these readings in a reasonably intelligent, thoughtful and knowledgeable way. Which sucks huge donkey balls, to borrow one of Christie's colorful turns of phrase (hey there, ho. How's life treatin' ya?).
I wouldn't be flipping a shit so much if I was making any headway in understanding some of it. The readings for my Tuesday class are particularly frustrating (Mini-Rant of Incredibly Venomous Quality: Fuck You, Foucault. I don't know you, and I damn sure don't like you or any of the chaos your ideas have wrought, particularly those recent ones created in my life and peace fo mind. So, I reiterate: Fuck You, Foucault. And fuck the horse you rode into History on, too. He should have tossed your ass).
(Strange aside: "Fuck You, Foucault" would not be a terribly bad title for my memoirs. I must ruminate on this possibility further)
So, I took a break from having a quiet nervous breakdown in my head whilst reading 5 different historians argue about the ideas of someone else who wasn't even a historian (Fuuuuuuck Yoooooou, Foucault...) and understanding maybe a quarter of that, to have a quiet nervous breakdown in print on the Interwebs, for your entertainment and/or horror. You're welcome?
Grad School will be the death of me, I swear...
Occurrence Related to the Above:
Text from Michy today: "Hey ho. How go things?"
Response from me: "They go. Faster than i care for. In a related note, grad school apparently operates in a parallel universe where a day is approximately 100 hrs long & there's no such thing as too much reading. But enough about me: hey stranger! How's life? :D
Response from Michy: "Lmao."
I wept a little inside as I was writing that, stuck in traffic on my way to tutoring, 2 of my Tuesday night readings sitting in the passenger seat next to me, glowering ominously.
And Now For Something Completely Different, And Also Pretty Awesome, If I Do Say So Myself: This was one of my birthday gifts to my sister, labored over in as loving a fashion as a misanthrope like me is capable, in the wee hours of August 25th, her most glorious and magnificent day of birth:
They're the infamous Carrot Cake Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting I wrote about earlier in the month. They're a little...crunchier than I'd like. I think it was a combination of using brown sugar in place of white sugar (which we only had a cup of, and of which I needed two cups, and I wasn't about to go back to Walmart at 2 in the morning for sugar after I'd gone at 1 in the morning to get flour already), and following the recipe as given rather than listening to my gut. They're a little drier than I like, but the Birthday Gator approved, so I'm cool with it.
The stand I got from Target. I'm super pleased I had an excuse to buy it, and look forward to hauling it out again. ^_^
The weird bruise I meant to show you all:
It's gotten worse (colorwise), and Shels & Joey both think I beat myself. Awesome?
So we saw this last weekend on our way to see about transferring the title of my car to me:
Apparently, there's an abortion clinic on 67th Avenue, super close to my house, and apparently, they were being protested. But what's that out in front, on the table with the draped cloth over it, you may be asking...? That is a Virgin Mary statue. Apparently, Jesus' mother does not approve. Then again, she probably wouldn't, huh?
And now, something especially for
mesangecoeur, because when this happened to me the week I went back to tutoring after getting home from Texas, I knew you particularly might enjoy it:
This is one of the peacocks who roam the shopping center and surrounding area where my tutoring center is located. I have seen about two of them in the year I've been working there, and heard them about as many times. This is the first time I was able to see one up close. He very calmly walked across the asphalt, gained the sidewalk, and then walked down it, pretty as you please, like he owned the joint. It was pretty epic.
Then, a couple days ago:
This guy very calmly crossed in front of my car on a rainy afternoon as I was leaving, and ambled on his way, also like he owned the joint.
I am inordinately pleased and amused by the fact that a band of wild peacocks roams the parking lot of my tutoring center in Kendall. They are the most colorful and stylish gang-bangers I've ever seen, at any rate, lol.
Okay, back to reading now. And then, to sleep, so I can get up on time to tutor some poor high school slob for his SATs.