Oh good grief...

Dec 29, 2005 19:25

Why do all Jhonen Vasquez fans become horrible little people? O_o

I've just spent the last half an hour trying to find where the second page to this is:

Because it looks quite interesting. Apparently came from a free comic from what I've gathered. Fair enough.
So I go looking in JCV forums, thinking that’s a logical place to start looking.

I never join forums or communities unless I'm sure the people running it are able to look after quarrels between members. The very first JCV forum I went into...god.

The nazi-grammar freaks in there. Okay. I understand good spelling and grammar is important. And that unless you’re on an instant messenger with a good friend then you should respect other people’s wishes and type like a literate human being. That’s all well and good and the same is said for reading the rules before posting.

But the people in there are just...they pounce on newbies who perhaps didn't see the rules. Instead of just posting once saying that they need to read the rules and quite typing like a retard they all pour into the thread and rip the newbie into shreds! I mean, even Johnny sometimes gave his victims warning before killing them. And when he didn't he had just cause. If the person posting was viciously attacking Jhonen, or a comic, or a member of the forum then of course then you can rip into them straight away, but someone who isn't aware they've done something wrong? Jeezus dudes.

And its not just grammar. Oh no. God forbid you’re new and you just want some answers to your questions. This forum had recently just been rebooted and half of all the old posts and threads where deleted. So when the oldies come back they know all the stuff that had been posted before, and the newbies have no clue what’s happened. They post what would have been a repeat topic and the oldies pounce and attack claiming the newbies should just clear off and leave it to the "professional" fans. What?!

What is worse is that they're the type of people who are those rare (I say rare. What I mean is that I don't see them often. Might have something to do with the fact I don't leave the house at night to go to the clubs that attract them. I'm too young to join the one in town apparently.) Spooky people (aka Goths) who Johnny kills so much in the comics. If you've read JTHM you'll remember the part where Mr.Fuck is formally introduced to Johnny, and Johnny leaves the house listening to music to kill all those people in the club, but instead goes to kill all the people in Cafe Prick because those two guys called him a Pussy because he doesn't smoke? Of course you do. And how about that one with Tess and Dillion in it? Where they take the piss out of that fat girl with the brand new NIH t-shirt? And Dillion reveals that he'd used to see them before they were popular? Or EVEN if you have the Directors cut, the comic at the back, where Johnny is trying to buy a CD and the shop assistant takes the piss because he pronounces the name of the band wrong?

These types of people. They are the grammar-nazis. They were saying something along the lines of "What kind of music do you think Jhonen listens to?" There were some funny answers, general amusement ensues. Until someone made the (poor) guess of Green Day. Heh. Even I know that’s wrong. Not because I don't think it’s a good guess ( I don't. I really can't imagine him listening to that no matter how hard I try. Kind of like how I can't imagine him listening to Heavy Metal- rolls around on floor laughing - like that guy on Screen Savers did). No I think that’s wrong because I'm not sure. I think the closest correct answer would be Industrial. But still, you'd never know because I don't think Jhonen would ever admit to listening to any one kind of music- all these little idiots would run out and buy the music in the thousands, thus diminishing his role as Evil Individualist over-lord.
What got me about the Green Day guess was that the Grammar-Nazis swooped in and started insulting them, and also, used the word Punk as an insult. I suppose it would be. I read somewhere that Punk and Goth are supposed to be enemies. I don't get why though. I mean, when Punk (I mean proper Punk, not crappy little things you get now, where they're all just Emo boys trying not to be Emo boys) died, where do you think all the punks went? Yes a few of them stayed how they were, and evolved into something completely different. But the ones that grew up? My Dad, and his mates where all Punks, and although the mentality remained they dressed and behaved differently. When My Dad met my Mum she said all he wore was black- not a really smart idea when you’re on holiday in the tropics but whatever. When they came back to England, they went to the same club that the Goths today still flock to in town now. The Punks of back then were the founding points of the Goths now. There is supposed to be some sort of New Romantic transition in there too but this is rambling on as it is.


What was I saying?

Oh yes.

Grammar-Nazi Spooky People suck.

This has been a Hachi Rant! :D
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