Dec 02, 2007 02:11
Ahhhhhhhhhh Lj deleted my post just when I was about to post it! FECKKKKKKKING HELL! DX It was a stupid post, but still, don't do this to me! GRRRRRR! ε-(=`皿´=)凸
I was about to go to bed, but saw someone mention, so I decided to try it out. At first I put in "Ruki" just to see what sort of things might come up. Some of the results were quite amusing, so I ended up trying out all the members. XD
Pure Ruki. Pure Power.
The art of Ruki. (I like this one! :D)
Ruki is my passion.
Ruki - once you have it, you love it.
Ruki loves you.
Ruki is inspiration. (*nods*)
Make the world a better place with Ruki.
God made Ruki.
Urupon is the sound of the future. (WTF?)
It's my Urupon! (XD;;;)
Funky Urupon! (Sound really dumb yet strangely cute XD)
Urupon is the only way to be happy. (DAMN RIGHT IT IS.)
Urupon, your way! (Aww, this one suits his "my pace" personality)
Urupon for everyone. (Yayyyy, free for all! *grabs at him*)
Always the real thing, always Urupon. (If he ever trademark his hot thighs, this could be the slogan)
I'd do anything for Urupon.
Urupon will be for you what you want it to be. (OH RLY? 8D)
The president buys Aoi. (XDDDD ...where can I buy one then?)
Aoi on the outside, tasty on the inside. (The outside is pretty tasty to me)
Have a break, have a Aoi. (This will be one veeeerry exhausting break XDDDD;;;;;)
Follow your Aoi.
There's only one true Aoi!
Aoi. Impossible is nothing. (Fits his attitude!)
hhmmmmm... Reita. (what sorta slogan is this?! D:)
The Reita man. (....whut?)
Reita for a better future.
I wish i had a Reita. (Don't we all?)
Reita - be ready. (this is a very "Reita" slogan XD)
Reita, the secret of women. (.....)
I'd walk a mile for Reita. (You're not the only one, hun)
You don't want Reita as your enemy! (TRUE FACT.)
Kai for a professional image.
My Kai is mine.
Kai, better than sex. (I know some of you think that way XD)
Kai keeps going, and going, and going... (....(゜__゜;))
Don't play with fire, play with Kai. (......(゜A ゜;)
You better get inside Kai. (......Σ(゚ д ゚;))
Can you feel it? Kai. ( ヘ(>ロ<)ノ I didn't make these up! These string of perverted slogans came up when I entered "Kai"! DDDDDD8)
EDIT: Eeeek, turned out lj didn't delete the other post, so I double posted. D: I have deleted the other post, sorry to those of you who commented there!! (>A<;)