Feb 09, 2011 23:14
I declare this week to be A Shitty Week. Not a calendar week, mind you, I'm talking about the last seven days. Last Tuesday night I was calmly enjoying my delicious dinner and watching Being Human on my computer when a rogue particle of food got caught in my throat. It had apparently lodged itself so far down there that I started coughing with such force that it made my throat start to bleed. This, of course, resulted in my coughing up blood which is a distressing sensation to say the least. Naturally I was quite worried so I called Momma D who was staying at the Frog Daddy's pad because it was snowing and he lives close to where she works. I felt bad that she had to drive home in that muck, but back she came just in case we had to go to the ER...which we didn't actually do until Wednesday morning when I started yakking up blood again. Long story short, I haven't hacked up anything red since Wednesday night, but my chest x-ray was a little bit weird so they gave me Augmentin to stave off any possible pneumonia in case some of that rogue food got aspirated. So all is okay now except for side effects from the antibiotics that I will spare everyone from reading about. You're welcome!
So there was that and that was enough, but then Gramma B fell asleep in her "TV chair" and feckin' slid off the damn thing. Fortunately, due to her slow descent no doubt, she was not injured, but she insisted that she didn't need any help getting up and refused to let my aunt or my cousin help her...for 45 minutes (45 minutes!) until my aunt threatened to call 911 at which point she let Cousin Andre, who is strong yet gentle, help her up. Now we're all glad she didn't get hurt, but this is just another sign that she's one step closer to taking up residence in a nursing facility and those places stink...literally.
If that wasn't enough Poppa G calls me today (Oh, and did I mention that my dad had all five toes on his left foot amputated because of poor circulation caused by uncontrolled diabetes!? That was two weeks ago, so that doesn't count for this current week's shittiness though) and tells me that Gramma F fell in the middle of the night last night and though she didn't break anything this time (she fell and fractured her pelvis last summer), she's in the hospital anyway. I guess she got banged up a little bit? I'm not sure. Poppa G had a stroke about 16 years ago and his short-term memory is spotty at best. Hopefully she'll be out soon.
So, anyway, it could've been a much worse week, but it was still pretty shitty. Perhaps the next seven day period will show a marked improvement, but frankly, considering that I rang in 2011 with my first ever case of the flu, my expectations are lowered for the entire year...cautious maybe? I don't like to be a total pessimist.
things that suck,