Jan 17, 2010 23:26
Sorry to abandon you, my darling LiveJournal, but Facebook is such a tramp with its rapid-fire status updates and FarmVille, but I was thinking of you the whole time. I swear!
Today was officially a Blerg! day. Even the sun didn't want to come out, so I spent a considerable time lying in bed reading and watching TV. Then The BFF came over and we played Scrabble and had some pizza pie and that was fun, but now it's kind of pouring rain so this day was a complete and total Blerg! day. I mean, I'm sitting here listening to Tori Amos for fuck's sake. That should tell you something about the mood of this whole day.
Actually, I've been in an unholy funk for over a week. Well, I had about a 36 hour break from the constant angst, but the 6th of this month until the 14th was a particularly unpleasant stretch of time. Wednesday the 6th until Friday the 8th I was pestered by discomfort from the H1N1 vaccine that I got at my physical (physical, I had to get a physical, physical!). It wasn't too bad, but I don't get elevated temperatures very often and I haven't really been sick since I quit CVS (A.K.A. Germ City) and I've never had a reaction to any flu shot before, so I was a bit out of sorts. The worst part was waking up all sweaty and gross for a few days, but I reckon if my worst problem is an increase in laundry, then I've got a leg up on a lot of other people.
Anyhoo, when I woke up Friday I wasn't a gooey sweat ball and that general feeling of malaise had departed which was nice because it's annoying when you have to choke down food when you're absolutely not hungry in order to keep your blood sugar from dipping to undesirable levels. Blerg!
The rest of that stretch of time I spent in such a state of anxiety that all I wanted to do was lie in bed with the covers pulled up over my head until the first day of Spring. Seasonal Affective Disorder what? But I fought the urge and it magically went away when I woke up on Thursday mainly, I think, because my peeps from CVS were coming over that night for adult beverages, snacky snacks, and all the ensuing hilarity involved in such activities. Those girls, they do not disappoint. I guess a little socialization is good from time to time...even for cave-dwelling hermits such as I (that would be a cave with high-speed internet, cable, and large shelves full of books, of course...I'm not a savage).
my own weirdness,
my hermitage,