I haven't been to the movies in five years (mainly due to my disinclination to venture into public places) and I wasn't even sure if I was going to see Mr. Potter in the theatre or just wait for the DVD as per usual. Well, Momma D suggested that we go...even though she doesn't give a cow flop about Harry Potter or his ilk...because she's awesome. And so we went and a good time was had by all. I was pleased to note that they (National Amusements at least) have decided to run ads during the interstitial time before the coming attractions start because the last time I went to the movies the ads and the previews ran for about fifteen minutes before the damn movie even started. One of the ads was the
U2 Crackberry TV commercial. It's nice when my boyfriend and his mates show up unexpectedly, singing to me on a huge screen...and once again we affirmed that Momma D likes
The Edge.
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Anyhoo, the movie. I thought they did a good job. There were a few things that I noticed were left out (but only really because I recently re-read the whole series, so it's fresh in my noggin) and most likely some things that I didn't and there were some very cool scenes and yes, I did get a little bit teary when you know who did you know what to that other guy. Unfortunately it takes a bit away from the suspense now that the whole series is finished in book form because you know what's going to happen if you've read the books, but it's interesting to see how it plays out visually...and all the actors are just so frickin' good; even the kids. Then we went to Chili's and I had a margarita. Good times!