
Feb 11, 2009 14:05

'Tis a lovely day today. The sun is shining, but it's also a teensy bit cloudy so that you don't have to squint like a fool. The temp. is around 50 and all the windows have been thrown open to let in the fresh air. After I opened my own window I sat there for a moment, enjoying the cool air when I was ASSAULTED BY A HUGE BLACK FLY!

Actually, it just sort of buzzed into my vicinity, but that counts. I was all set to ignore it and return to my reverie when I noticed that it was inside the screen. What to do, what to do? I decided to close the window for a few minutes so I could figure out how to get it on the other side of the screen when I was ASSAULTED BY A SECOND HUGE BLACK FLY THAT WAS ALSO INSIDE THE SCREEN! OH GOD, THE HUMANITY!!!!!!


At this point I made a mad dash for the hall closet in search of some sort of solution for this rapidly growing problem. Well, it felt rapid anyway. Whatevs. Fearing that these clearly confused insects would vacate the window area and start buzzing around the house, I grabbed a wad of paper towels and a can of Febreze lavender scented air deodorizer and marched back to the window where I murdered those flies to death with pleasant fragrances! Then I saw the third fly up at the top of the window. Jesus Christ on Melba toast, did we move to East Providence or Amityville? Then, a few minutes later, a fourth fly literally dropped from the top of the window and started buzzing against the screen. So, I've killed four big flies so far. Four. I've examined the window area as closely as possible, I can't see where they could be coming from, and it's freaking me out, man! Do. Not. Want. Blargh.

murder most foul, nature in my house

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