(no subject)

Oct 23, 2008 01:20

I vacuumed tonight and the Maxwell really wished that I hadn't. He was skittering all over the apartment, his tail poofed out like a bottle brush and his eyes wide as saucers of cream, trying to escape my machine of doom. But there were little fluffy puffs of new carpet fibers everywhere and I knew that Momma D would appreciate the efforts and she's coming by around noon so she'll be pleasantly surprised.


I think I've finally gotten used to having so much room to maneuver in the shower. At the old apartment (this is where we used to live!) we had this pathetic shower stall that pretty much made you feel like you were showering in a phone booth. The first time I took a shower here I was all over the damn place and I pretty much washed the bathroom floor as much as I washed myself. Certain parties were not amused by this situation, but since last Friday I've managed to take several showers that didn't result in my having to hang towels over the balcony railing to dry. Huzzah!

The guys at Mythbusters are trying to bust the myth of "beer goggles" so they're intentionally getting drunk off their asses. I guess they're also inadvertently trying to bust that "beer before liquor, never been sicker" myth because they started with the brew and moved on to the scotch in the course of their experiment.

Oh yeah, I love the Mythbusters now too. Behold the beauty of cable!

pop culture, omg! we had to move, i watch too much tv, teevee

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