Mar 24, 2008 02:21
'Twas a pleasant Easter Sunday 'round these parts. We all went down to Auntie J-A's for dinner (which was yummers) and I discovered that watching two people play Baseball 2K8 on XBOX 360 is almost as good as watching an actual game. No commercials! Brother Adam was the Red Stockings and Cousin Andre was the Dodgers. Brother Adam didn't do so well, but that's because he's busy being lawyerly and was never really the video game type anyway. Then the three of us watched 300 which was better than I thought it would be, well, considering that I really had no interest in seeing it when it first came out. I resisted the urge to do Eddie Izzard's Body of Christ bit, but absolutely could not resist doing his bit about Spartans ("I don't think I'm really a Spartan genetically. I think I'm more of a Comfy Man.")...for obvious reasons, shouting "Now that's gotta hurt!", a la George Costanza, when Leonidas kicked that messenger into that big pit...or whatever that was, and coining the phrase, "So Xerxes is Persian for 'queer' right?" Then we had this whole conversation about Jesus dying for Myspace. Okay, let me explain that one.
My aunt drove by a church the other day that had a message up on its sign board about Jesus dying on the cross for Myspace. Perhaps they were trying to get the attention of some younger peeps who, if they were anything like me when I was a younger peep, would've laughed out loud and mocked them furiously. Like, yeah, Jesus died so that 2,000 years later we could have a social networking site that'll make it easier for pedophiles to cruise 14 year olds. Jesus just added 50 Cent's latest song to his Myspace profile. "You guys, Jesus still hasn't accepted my Friend Request!" You get the picture. We are hateful awful people, I tell you. The worst.
pop culture,