May 24, 2007 23:04
I am eternally dense. It happens every time. For a few days the old tum just isn't right and fills me with angst and I ponder the possible causes that range all the way from, "Did I eat something out of the usual recently" to, "OMG!!!![Insert deadly illness here]!!!"* Then, She arrives and it all makes sense. I wish she'd leave. She's such a bad houseguest. Blah.
*Seriously, the other night my lower back hurt a little bit. Not too much, not in an alarming way. It was more of an achey feeling that went away after a good night's sleep and hasn't come back since, but I had myself convinced, as I drifted off to the Land of Sleep that it was some horrific spinal tumor and that I might perish sooner rather than later. Yeah, hypochondriacal much?
my own weirdness,