99 Pink Nightdresses on the Wall (One-Shot)

Dec 30, 2010 17:53

Title: 99 Pink Nightdresses on the Wall (One-Shot)
Author: hachi08
Pairing: KyuMin, ninja YeWook and EunHae
Rating : PG-15 (allusions to sex and kinks)
Genre: Comedy, romance, friendship
Summary: The repercussions of Donghae’s thoughtless comment from the June 27th Broadcast of MBC’s “Fantasy Couple - Love’s Classroom”
A/n: I wrote this back when the episode was new… think of this as back-logging all of my half-finished fics…

Sungmin entered the dorm first, pouting; his usually bright fox-like eyes glaring at the ground in front of him.
This was the first thing that tipped Jungsu off.
Then only a few seconds later the cute member was followed by a certain Lee Donghae who was apologizing profusely; and Shin Donghee, who was cackling madly.
This was the second thing that tipped Jungsu off that something wasn’t quite right.
Donghae never apologized. Unless it was to Jungsu himself, Hyukjae or Heechul (as you ALWAYS apologized to THE KIM HEECHUL… even if you didn’t do anything wrong… Jungsu knew first hand of the repercussions of NOT apologizing… he’d rather not recall the specifics).
“What happened?” Jungsu asked, wincing slightly as he heard a door - most likely Sungmin’s - close with a loud bang.
“I kind of ruined Sungmin’s reputation on the variety show we recorded today…” Donghae mumbled. He still seemed to be apologetic about the incident. Shindong let out a sound of disbelief.
“Ruined? More like utterly destroyed! It was brilliant how quickly you answered!” Donghae looked at the floor and Shindong slapped his back. Jungsu raised his eyebrow in questioning.
“Sungmin was getting all angsty about girls not seeing him as a man, and Donghae said “They don’t see you as a man because you wear a dress” The look on his face was priceless!” Shindong giggled loudly and then decided to return to his room.
The members who had been watching television in the living room had “overheard” (read: eavesdropped) on the incident. Heechul smirked before walking into the hallway where Jungsu and Donghae stood.
“There is a reason why you are my favourite dongsaeng” Heechul gloated, pulling the almost-in-tears Donghae under his arm. Jungsu just glared at Heechul.
“I th-thought S-s-s-Sulli was your f-f-favourite, h-hyung,” Donghae sniffled. Heechul just kept grinning like a Cheshire cat.
Jungsu frowned.
“Donghae, how could you do something like that to poor Min? You know how he feels about that…”
“B-b-but Hyung! You know that I always say what I think and that was the first thing I thought of as a reason, and it is true, so I said it!”
“But did you think about how it could ruin Sungmin’s reputation?”
“But the fans think he’s a girl anyways…” Jongwoon entered, speaking non-chalantly.
Jungsu glared again.
“Just saying,” Jongwoon defended. Afterall, this may as well be the truth.
“I wonder how Minnie-hyung is,” Ryeowook pondered aloud, also entering the hallway.
Seconds later Kyuhyun joined them from his bedroom.
“Okay, does anyone know what is wrong with Min-hyung?!” he practically yelled, frightened.
The other members looked to their magnae.
“Well he just entered the room, started screaming and crying about his own members thinking he’s a girl before asking me if his bum looked big in a pair of jeans he was wearing and then proceeding to go through his bureau and pull out all of the dresses he sleeps in before trying to destroy them,” Kyuhyun yelled in one breath. Only Jungsu and Ryeowook could follow along at the speed at which the magnae explained.
“So why is he like this!?”
“Oh, well Donghae here told everyone on national television that Sungminnie wears dresses.” Heechul explained matter-of-factly. Kyuhyun’s eyes opened wide.
“Donghae, you didn’t!”
“Why are you so worked up about this, Kyu-ah?” Jungsu questioned, finding it highly odd that Kyuhyun would be so involved emotionally in this highly bizarre turn of events.
“Think about it; Sungmin wears dresses, I room with him… put two and two together hyung! People are going to think that he… that we… ARGH!” Kyuhyun threw up his arms and stormed out of the hallway as weirdly as he had arrived.
Ryeowook looked at Jungsu.
“Hyung, what did Kyuhyun-ah mean?”
“He meant that people are gonna think baby Kyu has a kink for Sungmin in a dress!” Heechul laughed.
Jungsu glared for the umpteenth time since the trio had arrived home.
“He doesn’t?” Hyukjae piped up from his spot on the couch randomly.
If looks could kill, Hyukjae would be six feet under four billion times over.

“Min, just calm down… I mean, it’s not like people are actually going to believe you wear dresses and besides, you can just show them how manly you are by doing your martial arts,” Kyuhyun rubbed Sungmin’s back in a soothing way, while the elder sobbed into one of his collection of plush bunny rabbits.
Scattered around the room were the “few” sleeping dresses that Sungmin “used to” wear.
“How could Hae do that to me!?” Sungmin wailed, gripping onto Kyuhyun for dear life. Kyuhyun tensed at the feeling of not feeling his arm, but regained composure gradually, before leaning into Sungmin and hugging him.
“Hyung…” the magnae whispered into Sungmin’s ear, quite breathily, allowing for the air to brush across Sungmin’s neck each time he spoke. The smaller, albeit older, male shivered.
“Yes Kyu?”
“It doesn’t matter what other people think… I happen to think that you in a dress is sexy”
Sungmin blushed, but thankfully his face was hidden in Kyuhyun’s chest.
“It makes it soooo easy for me to touch the soft skin on your stomach, or pinch your pert little nipples, or even to stroke your - ”
Sungmin placed a hand over Kyuhyun’s mouth in order to effectively cut him off. He looked at a freckle on his other arm while he could feel Kyhyun’s smirk from behind his hand.
“You don’t need to say it.” Sungmin blushed.
Mission complete, Kyuhyun thought.
“Maybe… you could put on one of those dresses and I could… help you… forget about… Donghae… and the rest of the world… for a few… hours? Hmmm?”
Sungmin leant back into the feather light touches Kyuhyun teased with up his spine.

Ryeowook wandered into the kitchen where many of the other members sat around drinking - coffee or alcohol, Ryeowook couldn’t tell; he was currently too upset in his current state.
“Wookie-ah, what’s wrong?” Jongwoon looked up from his coffee with concern. Quickly, several pairs of eyes were locked onto Ryeowook’s crying form.
“Sungmin-hyung is really mad at us!” he cried. Jongwoon stood up to hug the eternal magnae.
Jungsu’s face darkened.
“How do you know this? Did he hurt you?!”
“No, hyung…” Ryeowook continued crying.
Jungsu was confused. He raised his eyebrow.
“He sounds like he’s still crying and throwing things around his room!”
“… How do you mean?”
“I just walked past his room and all I could hear were these sounds that sounded like someone beating the living daylights out of the bedside table while screaming!”
Jungsu paled.
Jongwoon blushed.
Heechul smirked.
“Poor Kyuhyunnie!” Ryeowook continued to bawl.
Jungsu tried, but he was too late to stop Heechul’s last words.
“Yes, poor Kyuhyunnie, indeed…”

99 pink nightdresses on the wall, kyumin

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