Songfic - Best Days by Matt White

Jan 07, 2010 21:14

Title: 13elieve in Us
Author: hachi08
Pairing: KyuMin (what else goes with wine?)
Genre: fluff and angst
Rating: PG (mentions of past sexual act...)
Warning: Deals with Hankyung and Kangin's current predicaments.
Summary: Kyuhyun watches his beloved sleep, like a peaceful angel during a time of hardship.
A/n: This song was used in the 'SendBill: Making of CF VID'. I liked it so much that I wrote a kyumin story to it, haha!

Every time I look at you
You always look so beautiful
Driving on the road again
The Chevys packed than and it is dust
And I would take some photographs
So I can dream of you

Kyuhyun sat quietly finishing off his game which he had set to silent mode when Sungmin had told him he was going to sleep. Even though he was concentrated, so focused, on the flashing screen before him, every so often he'd glance back to the body lying still underneath the blankets. He could hear the soft snores echoing the room, even though they were nearly silent.
'Even distracted, I'm still way too in tune with him...' Kyuhyun thought, smiling gently to himself.
Though he constantly annoyed his smaller, albeit older and pinker, hyung, he still loved him dearly.
To the public, he was quiet but snarky and viscious. To Sungmin, he was gentle and soft. Sungmin held no sentimentality, but Kyuhyun savoured every moment with the boy.
Sungmin grumbled and tossed in his sleep. Startled by the sudden outburst of movement, Kyuhyun slipped in his concentration and two seconds of absence was all it took for his character to be tortured mercilessly and destroyed by an opposing player.
This did not make him angry, as many suspected. Donghae often tried to hide from Kyuhyun's wrath when he distracts him from his gaming, but Kyuhyun could never find it in him to be angry with Sungmin.
'It's his way of telling me to go to bed...' he hummed, wordlessly. He stepped closer to the bed and looked at the angel looking back at him.
Technically the figure wasn't looking back at him, but the peaceful scene was so startlingly serene, Kyuhyun took a mental photo with his mind.
Can't say I've felt
Such twisting in my heart this way
We picture Ted and Avon sleeping
While you stay awake
The fire's burning softly
Singing songs so close to you

He felt his heart ache before turning away briefly to get rid of the sweaty sweat pants he'd worn for practice and place on a clean set of pajamas.
"You should've bathed first Kyu...' a tired voice spoke from the bed behind him. Kyuhyun turned at smiled sheepishly.
"But I wanted to sleep, hyung."
"... fine..." Sungmin yawned as he sat up.
"... I wonder if the others are sleeping?"
"Probably... It is late, you should sleep..." he patted the space next to him. Kyuhyun smirked coyly.
"I thought you didn't want me sleeping with you because I'm dirty?" Sungmin noted to double entendre and shook his head.
"Not tonight Kyuhyun; we have a press meeting in the morning."
"This makes you unhappy doesn't it?"
"Kyuhyun, you can;t hide it from me."
"... I just don't think that hyung knew what kind of trouble he was bringing up..."
"You know how much he gave up for this..."
"I do... but I don't understand..."
"You don't have to understand, just believe..."
"I only believe in three things."
"What's that?"
"God, Super Junior... and you."
"Then believe me when I say Hankyung's first love will always be Super Junior and Super Junior M. He loves his song and dance too much." Sungmin smiled at the joke. Kyuhyun grinned.
"Not as much as I do... the singing at least..."
Do you believe
In love at first sight?
I think you do
We're lying naked under the covers
Those are the best days of my life
Kyuhyun never admitted to Sungmin how much he felt for the childishly cute man. Kisses and hugs could not even express how he felt.
He'd given up on using words at the beginning. Songs did not do him justice in his heart.
He could not even use his body to express his means.
Though Sungmin always said he understands, as they lie together, basking in afterglow, sticky and spent and tired, clinging to each other as if the other were the last thing on Earth. That is what Kyuhyun liked about Sungmin.
Along with his open mindedness that attracted him in the first place. Almost like love at first sight.
It was those times that Kyuhyun cherished the most; he was beginning to learn the fragility of those times and how they could be gone in an instant. An instant like if Hankyung sunddenly disappeared and took the name of Super Junior with him.
He'd already seen how badly their leader had tried to clear up their names after Kangin had his accident, but then for Hankyung to suddenly go and tear down years of Teukie's hard work in getting them off the ground... if Kyuhyun felt betrayed, he wondered how Leeteuk felt; though Leeteuk told him that he blamed no body and that everybody had a breaking point - at which time Sungmin had told him he wasn't an angel but rather a saint.

Can't take away those times
We stayed up and we talked all night
Chain smoking cigarettes and
Three bottles of red wine
Falling asleep together
Holding your body close to mine
Sungmin mostly recalled the times where he and Kyuhyun had been propped up in bed, drinking the remnants of the wine Hyaku had not managed to knock over from the windowsill. He remember holding the maknae silently and rubbing his back while the other fell into often fitful or dreamless sleep after what seemed to be an eternity after the accident that nearly sent him to his creator.
Sungmin had never wanted to let those times disappear, and he knew they wouldn't. But he still had a childish fear of someone taking them away from him.
At the press conference tomorrow they had to make up their mind about whether Super Junior would cease to exist. It all mattered about how they answered questions. There fate rested on ten shaking shouldes that were almost ready to crumble under the weight.
There had been a time before when Sungmin was made to consider life without Super Junior, but Leeteuk had worked them through it. This time, no body was sure if they would make it. Kyuhyun had never had to make that decision before. It seemed that all Kyuhyun had ever known was life with his hyungs. Sungmin did not want to think about how broken he'd be if suddenly that were gone.
He didn't want to think about how he'd be if suddenly Kyuhyun was gone from his grasp.

And in the morning
Your eyes opened so innocent
The sun is blazing we are sweating
You look lovely
Nothing else matters anymore
'Coz you're in my arms again
Kyuhyun waited until Sungmin had once again begun his light snoring before rolling over and starring at his face in the moonlight that pierced the space between the curtain and fell across the sleeping man's delicate face.
Kyuhyun would never forget the feeling of being woken up by those adoring fox-like eyes, or those rosy-red lips pressed against his, or those hands drawing meaningless shapes across his stomach until Kyuhyun couldn't contain his ticklishness and grabbed both of the offending hands and kissed them softly - a kiss to each finger - before setting them down on his stomach again.
Kyuhyun swore that his beloved would never forget him either, no matter how far apart they may be.
Sungmin's face contorted into a look of pure bliss before one word left his sleeping mouth -

Oh, I never want to be without you
So just stay with me
I will love you endlessly

Oh darling, darling
Do you believe
In love at first sight?
I think you do
We're lying naked under the covers
Those are the best days of my life


Kyuhyun watched Sungmin take the microphone from Leeteuk and begin speaking of his time with Super Junior - convieniently leaving out the part about his lover - and Kyuhyun believed a little more that there was hope in their future.
"I only believe in three things...
God, Super Junior,
and You."

A/n: Dedicated to anyone who is currently unsure about the path their life is taking. Written for my dear father who is dying of cancer. As Siwon would say, let us pray.

13elieve in us, kyumin

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