Churchland - Chapter 6 - Who's Your Daddy? Part 1

Oct 07, 2009 12:37

A/N: OMG I am back... kinda... I've been kind of depressed lately due to breaking my ankle and missing a ton of school... IT'S NOT FAIR!
Anyways, I am kind of here and kind of not... still in HIATUS, but wanted to post this up. SORRY!
Zhoumi and Henry watched from the sidelines with baited breathe. Zhoumi had even reverted to biting his nails.
"My daughter..."
Sungmin sighed sadly.
The members stared at him.
Kyuhyun choked on a glass of water.
Kangin sprayed his everywhere.
Eeteuk dropped the mic he had been holding out for Sungmin.
All hell broke loose.
Sungmin held Angela in his arms as she slept, gently rocking her and humming an unknown tune.
The other members stared at him from the doorway.
"Ever since that incident last week he's refused to leave her..." Eeteuk stated, worried. Ryeowook nodded.
"We need to get him out of the house!" Heechul decided. Kyuhyun merely coughed politely and passed the other members as he brought a cup of tea to his roommate.
"Kyu's been very... I would say protective, but that's not it... watchful, maybe, of those two ever since the fans let us get home..."Kangin sighed.
"The fans bearly let us... I guess neither of them want to place her in iminent danger..." Henry mumbled. Zhoumi was holding onto his wrist looking like he was about to cry.
"What's wrong Mimi?" Siwon asked. Zhoumi's lip trembled.
"They look like family from that drama! It so beautiful!" The chinese man bent down to Henry's level and buried his face in his shirt as the other members sighed.
"Let's leave the 'little family' alone then, shall we?" Kibum asked, trying to pull Eeteuk away from the scene.
"... Yah! When did you get here!?" Heechul screeched. Yesung covered his mouth, 'shushing' them and saying that Angela was sleeping.
Donghae kept looking at the small family. He sensed a small heavenly glow around them.
"The aliens said to leave now!" he chorused, pulling Eunhyuk away with out more of an explanation. Kibum found it strange that they would listen to the aliens and not to him.
In actuality, Kibum was only one who knew what was going on.
Kyuhyun had come to him only days before showing him what he had captured on his phone. Then he went on to ramble how he felt he needed to protect the pink bunny and pink bunny junior.
"It's love," Kibum had said.
"It's love..." Kyuhyun had realised.
"It's love..." Sungmin cooed to the sleeping infant in his arms.
"It's love..." Yesung whispered to Ryeowook, who had no idea what he was on about and promptly slapped him before carting him into the kitchen.

"Here's some tea, Min..." Kyuhyun spoke softly, sitting beside Sungmin, who was watching intently out of the window.
He saw the contours of Sungmin's face, the bags under his eyes from waking up with Angela who seemed to sense something wasn't quite right. He could see the dimness that was taking over Sungmin's eyes, how heavy his eyelids seemed to become, how soft his lips looked...
Even though they're chapped, Kyuhyun thought, smiling to himself. He could hear his hyungs arguing in the doorway as his admired his Min and Angela.
Did he just think about HIS Min?
Angela began to stir but Sungmin paid no notice. Kyuhyun stared at the baby who was reaching for Min, her blue eyes alert.
Moving quickly, Kyuhyun stood infront of him and pried the child from the elder male's arms.
Sungmin was tired. He'd fallen asleep.
Giggling quietly at Min's habit of falling asleep anywhere, he placed a finger to his lips and left the room.
His hyungs had left the scene of the crime the doorway and he went to find them.
Min might become uncomfortable if I leave him there...

"Teukie-hyung!" Kyuhyun called. Eeteuk looked up from his place on the couch next to Kangin.
"What is it Kyu?"
"Can you watch Angela for a moment?"
"Why? Is something wrong with Minnie?" Eeteuk stood up to walk passed Kyuhyun, but the taller magnae stopped him.
"No, nothings wrong. He just fell asleep in an awkward position is all. I need you to watch her while I move him over to the bed so he doesn't get sick or something..." Kyuhyun said. He held out Angela who was gladly scooped from his grasp.
Kibum gave him a knowing smile from the corner.
"When did he get here?" Kyuhyun asked in that snarky magnae tone of his. Yesung double took at the sight of the ex-magnae who actually acted older than all of them.
Shindong was given a look by Eeteuk before he pushed the boy back towards his bedroom.
"What is it about Magnaes who always seem older than we are?"
"It's just because your a big baby, Yesung," Ryeowook called from where he and Hankyung were making fried rice in the kitchen.
"No, but... Kyuhyun's acting like... I don't know... some kind of father or something!" Yesung huffed. The other members looked at him incredulously.
"You just hit the nail on the head, Yesungie..." Eeteuk breathed.
"I didn't know you were that observant philtrum-boy!" Heechul cackled.
"Oh... yeah... I meant to do that!"
"Still the same Yesung..." Heechul smirked. Yesung looked at him cofused.
"But he is still young..." Eeteuk said, lamenting. Kangin rubbed his back as he watched the baby in the leader's arms.
"Younger than you..." Heechul mumbled. Kangin gave him the death glare, forcing the older-but-definitely-not-stronger male to shut up.
"I worry about those two..."
Meanwhile, in Kyu/Min/Angela's room, Kyuhyun picked up his small, fragile hyung and began pacing slowly to the bed.
Contrary to popular belief, Sungmin was actually very fragile and very thin. Sure, he was muscular and practicied martial arts and always smiled, but slowly since Angela came...
Correction, since the fans found out about Angela...
He hadn't been outside since the press conference where they were mobbed so hard. Sungmin was terrified. Kyuhyun had been terrified.
He felt that his whole life had been in the car with Angela and Sungmin as the fans, the anti's and the press threatened to flip it over.
The screaming... the crying... Kyuhyun hadn't slept since then, listening to Sungmin's breathing and shaking him awake when he began to cry out.
Sungmin moved in his arms and grabbed onto the magnae's shirt, nuzzling his head in closer to the magnae's chest; to the magnae's heart.
Kyuhyun stopped still.
"...Kyu...hyun..." Sungmin mumbled, moving closer to the source of the heat. He wasn't awake.
Once again, Kyuhyun had caught his hyung dreaming about him.
Only this time, it didn't make him feel strange. Instead he felt a burst of warmth spread from his chest and he smiled down at the man... no... Sungmin in a state like this seemed too innocent... too child-like... this child in his arms and wrapped him closer to himself before finally placing him down on Sungmin's bed.
But Sungmin still held onto Kyuhyun's shirt.
Placing his hand atop Sungmin's, Kyuhyun tried to prize the hand from the front of his shirt.
Sungmin was stubborn and strong. He held tighter in response.
"Stay... here... with... Kyu..." Sungmin's words came out slurred and soft, but Kyuhyun could still make out the gist of them.
"I can't stay with you Min.... I left Angela with the hyungs..."
Kyuhyun wasn't sure if Min was awake of sleep. It must have been that delirious state between being concious and not.
"Okay... okay..." He moved the covers back and practically fell onto the bed next to Sungmin. The elder smiled and snuggled in close.
Wrapping his arms around the smaller body beside him, nuzzling his face in the short black hair of his hyung, Kyuhyun felt happy.
He rested his leg over Sungmin's thigh and began to fall asleep for the first time days.

Eeteuk looked through the door and smiled at the two males hugging in the bed, before exaggeratedly placing his fingers over his lips and looking to the baby in his arms who had squirmed to get closer to her daddies.
"Hush little one, they are tired, let them sleep..."
Angela seemed to understand and her giggles and whimpers became almost silent.
Closing the door, learder-shii and the baby turned to walk back to the group in the lounge.

Sungmin cocked open one eye and found his body pressed flush against another.
So soft... so warm... thought Min.
He tried to lift his head so that he could see who this warm being was, but found his couldn't for whoever it was's face was resting atop his head.
"Love... you... Min..." came a deep voice that Sungmin knew very well.
Kyuhyun's arms moved tighter around Sungmin before he could even realise. Their bodies were placed so close.
Sungmin felt the blood rush to his face.
Resting his head once again onto the chest before him, he attempted to calm himself down, letting Kyuhyun stay asleep.
Where's Angela?
Part 1 of chapter 6... Hmmm... should I write a short almostsmut! scene for part two? I don't think this chapter was very funny compared to the others... this was more for plot building... part two will be more full on! I swear!

kangteuk, hanchul, sibum, zhoury, churchland, eunhae, yewook, kyumin

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