Apr 19, 2005 07:21
Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome.
I think that this journal will be a good resource for me to deal with some of the emotions and what not that are happening with Crystal and myself. It's pretty darn frustrating for poor Crystal, but she's a woman and not being able to conceive (or even ovulate for that matter) has got to be pretty upsetting. I'm just letting God run our lives; when it's time for children, we'll have children.
Yesterday Crystal went to the doctor for an ultrasound. Well, let me start last week. She went to the doctor last week as well for an ultrasound to determine if she had ovulated. The results showed a whole lot of nothing. The doctor reccomended that she come back Monday to run another ultrasound to see if anything has changed over the weekend. So, Crystal went back yesterday afternoon and the results were the same. I asked her to have them print out the ultrasound pictures so I could see exactly what was going on. Sure enough, the pictures showed ovaries (although it wasn't something I was familiar with as far as "normal" size and shape goes) but there were several black spots throughout the pictures. It was kind of disheartening to see - I can imagine that in the eyes of Crystal that the pictures were like looking at an xray of your brain and seeing several black spots. It can't be very motivating to know that your ovaries aren't developing mature eggs and for the most part aren't even releasing them.
So with that, i've been doing a bit of research on PCOS (of course i've been interested, but never really did any of my own looking around) and found a wealth of information online. It seems that as far as medication goes she is on the right track, although based on her lack of ovulation she could probably up the dose of her Clomid. Another area that absolutely needs to be addressed is her lack of exercise. Almost every website I went to emphasized the importance of doing 20-30 minutes of exercise three or more days a week. I'm going to have to encourage her to do that.
Man, it's time for work.