Amazing night,isn't it? I really really hate this M.E.D I'm having. It's as though there are really no meds(pun intended) to "cure" it. Let's just hope the M.P.D(Monthly Physical Disease) come soon before I leave for Thailand.
I've stayed up to read and not be bothered by whatever's bothering me,putting them at the back of my head.. It was so bad around 12-ish.. I think my feelings are truest around this time of the month. But I don't think I would like to share it here now.
Think I'm tired enough to sleep although I think I should stay up cause my day's gonna start early(plus not wanting to miss prayers,again). Will think about it.
I'm just glad I didn't resort to calling anyone at 3 in the morning like how I thought I would have.
(Alin just woke up and bit...paper?! And asked me to pass her,her blanket. Whuttt..)
'Nuff said. Hope you guys are having a good sleep. :) Then again,who reads this anymore?
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