i am

Oct 23, 2005 23:32

the procrastinator

doing russian every few minutes. an excersize, a few minutes break. listening to WMRE also... eh. the people who are supposed to be on, are not. therefore, it's not that great. don't know why i keep listening.... and as i said that, something horrid came over the airwaves (internet stream)... so it's now off.

i need to go to a mystic and see what my future holds. So far, looking at Ohio State, UTenn, Emory, Duke, and a few other places for grad work. maybe even a GA school of some sort if necessary. Other than that, looking at fed gov't areas for work. NSA, FBI, and such. I might look into GBI (georgia buraeu of investigation) or something else like that. Hoping for a tech/language related job. Something that will let me keep training too. always a possibilty that Emory will hire me... Then i'll work here for 5 or so years, get training, take classes (employees get free classes), maybe do another major (for free)...get the exp that everyone wants you to have, and then try for the big jobs again. We'll see.

picked up quake 4 for those that know of such a beast. amazing game. on the doom3 engine, so it's gorgeous. sounds great too. short single player, which picks up where q2 left off. havn't tried multiplayer yet. should be good though....that killed my weekend pretty well.

lots of parties happened last night...most of which i avoided like the plague. fond wishes to those who deserve them, even though they won't know it.

looking for a bike. preferably something like a hybrid bike. it'll get lots of use on the road, but i'd like to go trail riding again. go down a few mountains like the days of old. if anyone knows of anything, lemmie know. i'll even do a mountain bike or a rockhopper. using those on the road would suck, but the added weight would just make me work harder and get used to it. trying not to spend more than 300. if you've got parts, that's good too. but again, not willing to do much more than 300 total. so 50-75 for a frame, etc.... only problem is i don't know what size i am.

decorated my room some more. added a bit of colour....

*edit* oh, and probably something along the lines of "the effect of military initiated technology on civilian society/lives" kind of grad work. from the 1940s on if i need a time period.
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