Apr 18, 2006 11:40
I'm supposed to be busy today... I need to:
take a shower
get dressed
Call around and get estimates on the work for my car (i hate making phonecalls)
Air up my tire do I can drive to these things
Get my windshield replaced TOMORROW!!!
Get the short in my reverse lights sorted outMONDAY!
Patch my tire where the nail is
(i need new tires, but thats for another day)
Get my car inspectedTUESDAY!!!
Pay my insurance
Make a deposit at the bank
go to the gym
You guys can call me (if you have the number) if you want. I'm sure if I am able to get this mess done, then I'll be sitting a waiting a LOT, especially later on today
Much love!
[EDIT] I made a lot of appointments today LOL... then just went swimming hahaha.....