80 things you might not know about me
erase my answers, fill in your own, and repost.
1. What is your middle name?
2. How big is ur bed?
3. What are you listening to right now?
Cold Case Files
4. what are the last 4 digits in ur phone number?
5. What was the last thing you ate?
A Balance Trail Mix energy bar... Fruit and Nut flavored.. yummy
6. Last person you hugged?
7. How is the weather right now?
pretty decent from what i can see out of the window
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
I think my dad
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex?
general stature
11. Do you want children?
12. Do you get high?
never have
13. Ever got so drunk you don't remember the entire night?
a few times
14. Hair color?
almost black
15. Eye color?
16. Do you wear contacts?
no, glasses. I wish i had contacts tho. glasses are annoying
17. Favorite holiday?
halloween... notthe trick or treating shit, but i like the movies they play around Halloween
18. Favorite Season?
Spring or Fall
19. Have you ever cried over a girl/boy?
20. Last Movie you Watched?
Silence of the Lambs
29. What books are you reading?
My dad gave me a book to read last night, called Virus 4 or something like that. I havent started reading it yet though
30. Piercings?
2 in each ear and my tongue. my navel was pierced a few years ago but isnt anymore
31. Favorite Movie?
Queen of the Damned
32. Favorite college football Team?
33. What were you doing before filling this out?
Reading a Fanfic called Prisonsers of Azkaban
34. Any pets?
2 family dogs, and i personally have 2 fish a rabbit and a turtle
35. What is your AIM?
37. Dogs or cats?
38. Favorite Flower?
peppermint twist roses
40. Have you ever loved somebody?
yes. i am in love with 3 somebodies right now, but its not the way you think. I fall in love with those closest to me, dating them or not i tend to fall in love with my best friends. Well, these certain ones anyway.
41. who would you like to see right now?
I really really need to talk to Ben. One of the somebodies from above. I miss him so much. Dude ran off to the military and it pisses me off that he's dating someone that he couldnt stand a year ago, i'm not jealous, i'm shocked. But nevertheless he is one of my two best friends in the entire world and i effing NEED him right now and the only way i can talk to him right now is through letters. I'm currently awaiting another letter from him... i need to see if i can find some pictures to send him..... I fucking miss him like hell
43. Have you ever fired a gun?
44. Ever been on a plane?
45. Right-handed or Left-handed?
right mostly. I lean towards my left in some areas though, just not writing or eating.
46. If you could go to anyplace right now where would you go?
48. Are you missing someone?
49. Do you have a tattoo?
Not yet. After my sister gets married i'm getting a 5 point star on the base of my neck though.
50. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings?
51. Are you hiding something from someone?
sort of
52. Are you over 18?
by 4 years
53.What is the wallpaper on you phone?
Jack Skellington
54. Did you get enough sleep last night?
i'm well rested if thats what you mean. I went to bed at 4am and got up at 11am
55. First thing you thought about this morning?
fuckin... ugh... i have to get up and watch babies so mom can go get cigarettes... effing figures
56. What do you have handy at your bedside?
lots of things. you should see my headboard. i have everything from medicines to candles to a stuffed animal to puffs...
57. Grilled or Fried?
grilled. fried tastes better of course, but grilled is better for you
58. Steelers or Seahawks?
........... i dont care enough to even form an opinion
59. when was the last time you wrapped a house?
um... never
60. Are you afraid of the dark?
not of the dark, no. But i can get freaked out about whats IN the dark at times.
61. Favorite hangout?
anywhere but here. I'd probably live in bookstores if they'd let me though
62. 5 things you cant live without?
my phone, my 2 best friends(shelly and ben), a car, a computer, and a bed
63. First thing you will buy if you were given 1 thousand dollars?
a windshield for my car and i'd fix my reverse lights and then get a new inspection sticker. Not glamerous i know, but i effing NEEEEEEEDDDDDDD them
64. Favorite song?
it changes every few days, but my alltime fav is faithfully by journey
65. What are you afraid of?
the unknown
66. Are you a giver or a taker?
mostly a giver
67. Do you drive?
all the time
68. What is your dad's middle name?
69. What is your mother's middle name?
70. Stuck on a deserted island and could bring one thing?
a knife (be realistic people... how would things like cellphones and radios help you on a deserted island?!)
71. Favorite TV commercial?
i dont pay attention to commercials
73. First thing you'll save in a fire?
any babies, children, elderly people, or animals that happen to be in the house with me
74. Favorite colors?
black purple and green
75. What are the things you'll always bring with you?
cellphone, keys, glasses
76. What's the wallpaper of your computer?
this is a scaled down cross section of my wallpaper
77. What do you usually do when the clock turns seven?
the chicken dance??? i dunno its different everyday
78. The color of your bed sheets?
79. Who do you want to meet?
Tom Felton
80. Who do you think about before you go to bed?
its different every night