...this is important. >>;
so this is
decomposition, and i'm sorry for
habitat getting so neglected! you see, my co-mod has fallen off the face of the planet and it's kind of thrown a wrench in things. i'm not sure when she'll be back but i'm just going to go ahead and do my best to revive this place and handle it on my own for the time being.
basically i want to get things back on the ball, and i'll start by changing the activity requirement back to one post per month again so it's not as easy to forget about.
also i'll start posting cut warnings five days in advance of a cut, just to see how that goes.
and lastly i want to encourage more participation here but i'm not sure what exactly i can do, because it's not my responsibility to keep up the activity. it's all of yours. all i can do is hope that you'll all try to be active, and maybe do some things to encourage it-- so if you have any ideas for monthly activities or something, let me know, ey?
this is the especially important part:
i'm going to clear out the claims list of anyone not interested in being here anymore. so basically, if you're interested in staying in
habitat, comment here. commenting here to let me know you want to stay means you'll stay on the claims list until the end of this month.
some of you have already contacted me for hiatuses and i have that noted.
okay, so! comment here to stay, and please please please let me know if you have any ideas for community changes. also please please please promote, it really helps.
i hope this revamp can get the place going again!
- Rei