May 29, 2012 22:00
Some days, he never sees me out of pajamas. I sleep in half an hour later, waking for coffee; he goes to work and I waste half my time and spend half of it reading or doing something useful (this proportion must change) and then go to work at one or two, off at 9:30, and he's at band practice, so I'm back into the lazy-girl clothes, sipping leftover wine from the event, at which book-life crossed paths with college-life in a very small and funny way. (Who knew fantasyish authors might be fans of MC Chris?)
I'm reading the most awful book. I'm going to BEA next week for the first time and I am excited and apprehensive. I keep building more projects for myself, but I need to knock down the old ones first. I had one of those OMG DUH moments the other week when I realized that I'm very good at keeping myself busy with things that keep me from thinking about other things - things I would very much like to be doing but have spent years telling myself I can't do.
Two months into this new job, new structures are solidifying. The days look different.
In the park, on Saturday, we huddled under a tree in the rain, drinking monkey glands (renamed "drank" for the occasion, as in, "Can I have some more drank?") and trying to keep our various books from getting wet. I'd given a friend a cup and when I told him what was in it, he said, "I haven't had gin since the night you watched me throw a phone out a window." Twelve long and short years ago, that. Some of us have grey in our hair and some look exactly the same. I suspect I'll think we all look the same, always. This is what's weird about aging, right? The way the thoughts and the pictures don't match up, like when the audio track is misaligned.
I've developed a thing for nail polish. It's as much about getting the tiny, bright bottles in the mail as it is about wearing it, though I like that I can put garish pinks on my nails, colors I love but not as clothing; they're like accessories that sparkle extra forcefully. It's taking the place of my BPAL addiction, in some part because I've tried so, so many of those that the collecting impulse has faded. I'm trying to keep this one a little more under control, but when pretty colors cost the same as an iced coffee, my resistance is weak.
It's so hot out there. There are just too many things to say.
life the universe and everything,
little addictions,