Aug 30, 2011 17:41
We spent the weekend indoors, mostly. All that talk didn't mean much in my neighborhood, but certain brunch joints were closed Saturday morning all the same. Not the one where we opted for a two-bloody-mary brunch, though, and the one that made up for our too-long wait by quietly taking the second round off the tab.
It was a good start for a weekend of sloth and the occasional bout of nervousness caused by the wind whistling round the air conditioner. We finished Dead Like Me and were up until nearly 2 am watching Game of Thrones, which we finished the next morning. Strange Days, a few episodes of Man vs. Wild ... there's probably some apocalyptic survival skills subconscious theme-building at work here.
My sentences are all out of whack because I am. Monday morning, I enlisted S.'s help carrying a huge bag of laundry down the street. It was huge because it had two sets of sheets in it. (The third wouldn't fit.) It had all these sheets because the cat has been having poo issues.
Two hours and $732 later, I've learned that my cat has a colon that could house small rodents. Medication is in her future. I'm sad and worried and really hoping medication means she will stop leaving small post-giant-bathroom-shit nuggets of nasty on my bed. I'm also out of sorts, thrown off schedule, and really procrastinating all the things I didn't do today because I was making the cat's appointment, in that zone when you don't have enough time to really do anything, and then at the cat's appointment.
It's a strange and lonely day.
The job interview was interesting. Many thanks to all of you who left sweet notes and good thoughts on that post. It was more of a conversation than an interview, though with some typical interview questions thrown in, and a surprising learning experience for me. I've never felt quite such a combination of put at ease and thrown off guard, largely by my interviewer's disarming honesty. I don't know that the job is mine, but it gave me an unexpected newfound confidence and interest in finding the right job, if not this one. We'll see. I am neither counting my chickens nor holding my breath.
Oregon in three days. Friday night. There are emails to send and maybe a phone call or two to make and plans, plans, I must make plans. Days to be spent in the countryside and the giant bathtub, nights with friends. I want to ride a horse and drink a fresh 'n' clean and eat at all the places I love and hug friends and drink bourbon. I have high hopes. I think these will be met.
life the universe and everything,