Dear universe, please forgive me for the fact that this is unintentionally Twilight related.
I had a dentist appointment today. So I read People in the waiting room, and by "read," I mean "looked at pictures of celebs who are just! like! us!" And then I saw this coat.
I noticed the coat because it was on Cameron Bright, who has a strange little face that makes him look like he'll be an interesting actor someday. But the COAT. I WANT IT. I don't care that it's on a Volturi in a movie based on an absolutely terrible book (Eclipse seemed halfway to greatness in comparison to the utter shit that was New Moon). (I read them so I can know what I'm going to suffer through when it comes time to watch the movies, OK?)
The picture is
Now, your job is to help me find it or something like it. OK? Pretty please? If I promise photos upon attaining it?