Feb 08, 2006 14:04
I am broke. And in desperate need of groceries. Ah, to be a poor college student.
Luckily, I just got a job. Also my parents aren't totally heartless and are giving me some money to make-up for the reduced meal plan I have this semester. I'm working as a hostess at a very expensive, posh restaurant. Unfortunately, it is looking as though I will only be able to work Fri, Sat, Sun since I have classes so late. I'm making $7.25 an hour. My goal is to not spend any money for the next two weeks: with the exception of 80s night this Thursday ($5). It is my friend Kelly's birthday on Friday but I have absloutely no money. I'll get her a gift later or something.
Classes are fine. I find myself bored in Pysch intro courses and my Education, Culture, and Society-since the class is 90% MAT (teacher certifcation training or something) who have never had any Soc, it's very elementary. Soc of Media and Pop Culture is difficult b/c the professor is my advisor, very dedicated to work, and expects a lot from her students. Social Psych is difficult only in the sense it's so abstract I have to use creative energy I have't utilized in years.
I'm again contemplating changing my major. I want something dealing with animals, environment. My dream career has always been to study marine biology; like jellyfish or sharks. I was thinking of how I could form an interdiscplinary study like Humans and their social interactions with animals and/or the environment, as a combo of my 3 favorite discplines: Biology, Sociology, and Psychology. I have to look more into it, see what professions would be applicable.
I'm off to study for a quiz. In conclusion, life is good but very busy. I don't really enjoy my new job, I have to play a role I'm not use to...and I smell like cigars whenever I'm there..