Not in the theoretical sense, like paying too much for some crappy retail item, I mean shit stolen from me. I was at the rec on wed night, and i put my stuff in a locker without locking it, I know, dumb. So, I open my wallet the next day and notice that all my money AND my debit card are gone. I Realize the were almost defiantly stolen at the rec, it was the last public place I left my things unattended. I call my bank and freeze my account, I also ask if there has been any activity on my card in the last 18 hours. It turns out there was a $217 charce to
verizon wireless..... This dumb shit paid his PHONE BILL with a STOLEN credit card. So, I go to the police and fill out a theft report form because we can't get the info from verizon, and the bank can't get it, but they HAVE to give it to the police. So all the have to do is see who owns the account. DUMBASS! The downside is that since I froze my account, I can't get this taken care of until I go home. Which means I am cashless for the last 2 weeks of school. It blows. I feel dumb for not having locked my stuff up, but I feel much better knowing that this guy probably shouldn't have had the IQ to even GET IN to college.