Mar 10, 2005 13:38
In defense of humor:
Isn't satire always offensive to someone? Is there a certain type of person who thinks that being made fun of is funny, and another type who can't stand it? Doesn't everyone laugh at themselves as the best defense? Or someone else, if that is their type.
Is there something that you should not joke about? I tend to think not. But that is totally wrong.
Stop contradicting yourself.
Is it possible to "overthink" something. If you think about it, rationally, this seems impossible, but in practice, often overthought has turned out poorly, but that is not a rational argument.
Don't give up just because you feel stupid now:
Announcing a new prize for l'espirit de l'escalier. "Oh my God, she is seriously the slowest witty person I can think of."
WTF is a joke anyway.
I think it's on me.