For once I had time to make a present for Mum... I've been very bad at that for the last few years and the spring time is a always hell with all the exams and such. This year the worst was/is already over so I thought I should make something for her. This is my third dreamcatcher. The first one I made for Otto, it was a very simple one with earthy brown tones and a few large crow and magpie feathers, and second one for my friend Henna, for which I used a thin white thread with small glass beads and a pearlescent seashell pendant. Too bad I never got any decent pictures of that one. Anyway, I chose the greyish blue colours for Mum because she likes the kind of pearl grey and happened to find that beautiful glass pendant at the local craft store. I would've preferred to use some materials that are more personal (like the hair from our horse but my horse hair 'collection' happens to be at my parents' place...) but couldn't find anything so I just went for colours that in my opinion look like her. I made the web too tight to my aste but maybe this version also represents my Mum :D