Apr 17, 2006 23:18
So today has been an interesting day. A lot happened in like a 16 hour period. Got up this morning and went right to the dentist's office. Got the brackets put on, then they yanked out four teeth which hurt like a bastard, then the put the wires in with purty red donut thingers. Went to the store with my mom, numb as all hell. Couldn't pronounce half the words I was trying to say. Got a bunch of food for the week while I'm at home. Not that I'm gonna eat that much, but at least I'll have it when I go home, as in Maine. Got my vicodin so that I'm not in too much pain, then came home and sat my butt down on the couch. Talked online for most of the day. Movie Gallery called and it looks like I'm probably gonna get the job there, just have to have an interview with the district manager, and I'm in! Sounds like Shane will be working there too, which is good cause I didn't want one of us to get it over the other. Also talked to my grandmother, which is always interesting. Her yelling into the phone because she thinks I can't hear her when its long distance. The vicodin is already making me sick though, I've thrown up twice and almost did once. If I eat something then I can take the vicodin, but usually I can't eat that much since it hurts too much to chew, so I don't have enough food in my stomach to keep me from getting sick when I take the vicodin. Bleh. I spent all day with my mom though, which was cool. We actually didn't get into any arguments which is pretty rare. Talked to Adam for quite awhile today too, which is always good. It's really good having a guy to talk to again, I love you girls, but sometimes its nice to talk to someone who isn't female once in awhile, and it helps that its Adam too. So yeah, I'm stuck at home for the rest of the week. Probably be back Saturday night cause I don't really enjoy being home for very long. Not exactly impressed with my "friends" back here anyhow, they bailed on me when we were supposed to go out and celebrate my birthday. Actually, bailed isn't the correct word....more like didn't fucking call at all. And they wonder why I don't hang out with them more often when I'm home, or don't even come home at all. Yeah, you're probably wondering well why didn't I just call them? If I had a phone number for them I would, but they move more often than I check my email. So for the rest of the week I'm gonna be doing homework and hopefully keep some food down. Then Becky and I might just spend Saturday night takeing tequila shots to celebrate break being over. Then its only two weeks left of classes, finals and then the summer! Big celebration for Becky's 21st as well. Then June 1st comes the day when we get to move into our amazing apartment. June 1st itself is going to suck since we will be moving along with every other off campus college student. Not sure how we are going to move everything, but we will figure it out. This summer is going to be awesome, good friends, a job, great apartment, I get to have my cat around with me, hang gliding off and on...I can't wait. I just want to spend the summer being with my favorite people. Next year its going to be a lot different, so this summer I want to just live it up. I just hope gas prices don't get too bad that the people who I really want to see can't come up or I can't go down to see them cuz it would be too expensive. I'm not too worried though, things always work out right in the end. This summer I also plan on doing lots and lots of reading. I didn't read very much when I was younger, and there are a lot of books that I never read which are classics. If anyone has suggestions let me know, the more the better. Well, I think thats about all I have to say. I'm gonna finish watching a movie, go to bed, and tomorrow I might end up getting some reading glasses too. Meh.