Morimoto Ryutaro leaves JUMP for good.

Jan 04, 2012 21:18

We know that Yuto Nakajima, a member of HSJ said they are practicing as “JUMP”
But after 2 days, Ryutaro Morimoto asked for a closed conference, and He said
Ryutaro; Being with JUMP again is very great experience. And I miss them so much. But after the unpleasant things happened Hey Say Jump welcomed me so warm and I’m so thankful for that. But as for the advice from my parents, I should focus on my studies. That’s why I’m leaving JUMP for good.
Interviewer; So you quit? is there a chance for you again to go back?
Ryutaro; I don’t want to make promises. I really want to be apart of JUMP. But my studies are more important. Actually, even though I’m not already in Jump. I will not forget to support them. For me they are my Second Family.

We finally got an official announcement about Ryutaro‘s future, and it was made by nobody else than Mr Johnny-san himself, as Nikkansports reports:

Referring to him as Boy A,Mr Johnny-san said that right now Ryutaro himself has the ambition to concentrate on school rather than returning to the entertainment business, and when asked about a possible return by the end of this year Johnny’s blatantly short and simple answer was: “No“.
Let’s be honest, it can’t come as much of a surprise. Not after Ryutaro had been removed from the Hey!Say!JUMP profile on Johnny’s Net. The only surprise here is that the boss himself bothered to comment on the issue. That usually doesn’t happen. In previous cases all we got was a statement from a J&A spokesperson telling us that “The member will concentrate on his studies for the time being“, and then we’d never ever hear about it again. But now Johnny himself made a statement, and that statement is very clear:
Good luck, Ryutaro, wherever you are and whatever your future plans may be. I miss you and I will always love you. ♥

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