Update from The Lair of the First De Maria Brother

Nov 21, 2004 20:05

So to recap this weekend

Friday - Worked with my brother and Jake, it was pretty cool. Lot's of friends came in... Lane, Katie:), Brittany, Megan, Sasha Mousy, Tracy, Paigewell, Hunter, Farbod, Aria, Andrew, Brandon, and if I forgot you go ahead and lemme know.

Saturday - Got a haircut, major change. Then this lady named Holly drove me to the Northridge Mall to meet up with Danielle and her friend Anna who I didn't know. We were gonna see a movie but some stupid idiot named Shannon would not switch our tickets for a movie that started a half an hour earlier, which was fu*king messed up.

So we went into the Northridge Coldstone, I can't say I was too impressed, the people weren't even wearing the full uniform, haha. Whatever they weren't bad at all. We walked around the mall for a while and went into Victoria's Secret and all that good stuff.

Went back home, packed to go to Orange County.

So my brother and I drove up to his dorm, and that was like a 2 hour drive, but it was all good because we were rocking out in the Previa. We eventually made it to his room where my mom met up with us. We all went to Island's to eat with our friends. And that was kinda boring but not all of it.
My mom dropped us off at the dorm and we went to Ely's room which was chilllllll. My brother played this Nintendo game called Super Contra which was pretty cool but really old haha. Like the Halo of
their time. So we went back to my brother's room, and hooked up his computer while this beautiful girl came over named Melissa. She knocked on the door and I opened it and, never meeting me before in her life, she was like "Why is your door locked? Whoa your hair!" I stood there and looked over at my brother and she did too and she's like "HOLY SHIT!!" Hahahahahaha, she thought I was my brother. That was sooo funny.

So we chilled a while. Wanted to find something to do. So Bryan Mosko IM's me, he's like I wanna go to In N Out. I'm like dude me too, so I turn around to my brother and Melissa and I'm like you guys wanna go to In N Out? And then I thanked Bryan for the great ideaer.

So we were drivin along, and it was raining. Eating at In N Out at like 12:30 was aweeeesome. We were leaving and my brother told me to refill my drink and he and Melissa walked to the door, and he said he wanted Coke and Melissa said she wanted Lemonade, so "I'm like what is gonna be guys?" And Melissa opened the door and she's like "It's raining!" And I'm like "Great, we can get water then!" It was fun. I made her laugh.
It was raining like fucking crazy after that, fun. Lightning. Melissa came back and we watched some movies that my brother did. the Smeagol Monologue, Unfortunate Fortune. It was great. Melissa left then, and when she did I gaped at my brother, haha.

Next morning, dad and Mimo picked us up and took us to breakfast and then to the Channukah boutique where my mom was working, so I stayed and helped her, and picked up my stuff at my brother's dorm and came back home.
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