
Apr 18, 2012 07:54

I need to vent, so I guess it's better that I vent here than to their faces.

You're poor, moneys a little're also on centrelink and last time we talked said you were getting a large sum back-payment and would therefore have money for the convention and be able to chip in for the weekend accommodation.

Now all of a sudden you're poor again and I'm going halves with the other person we're staying with and you get to stay for free?  How does this work.  I work my ass-off, have uni full time, pay bills, need to eat and have been planning for this con for ages.  If the guy we're staying with wants to pay for you that's fine, but don't f***ing volunteer me to pay for you and expect me to be fine about it.  I have plans for where my money is going and paying for a room for you wasn't one of them.

Grow the f*** up and get some responsibility.  Don't know where you'll find it, maybe you can buy it from a store...oh wait, I'll probably have to pay for that too.

I HATE Free-loaders *sigh*


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