News Updates and Random Thoughts.
Updated Automatically Once Daily at 11:59pm EST for the previous 24 hours.
06:24 Time to Rock the Vote. YOU TOO. GO VOTE.
# 13:45 I feel like hell. I really do. I still went and voted, and have been at school all day. I'm ready to go home and watch the election news.
# 16:37 And now, Zombie Haiku: "The Taste of Liver, Is hard to get off your tongue, But spleen does the trick." Thank you.
# 20:10 And Obama takes Pennsylvania! Yes!
# 21:19 175 to 76 so far. If he can just keep Ohio, Take CA like expected and win FL, this is over. Come on.
# 22:56 this can all be over in the next 20 minutes.
# 23:03 Barack Obama is the next President of the United States. Congratulations America. You chose Change.
# 23:11 I have never been so proud of this country and everyone out there who voted today. This is America's greatest day in a long time.
# 23:16 It's not just a win...its a landslide victory
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