Jul 19, 2005 18:16
Why do we have this feeling that we have to freaking make everyone happy? I hate it. Why should I change my personality when I am around certain people to make THEM feel comfortable? Why should I feel bad when I hurt someone's feelings for speaking the truth? It is so stupid. I am 20...I think I am kinda stuck with the personality I have. It isn't going to change at this point. Frankly, I think my parents did a good job at raising me.
I just feel SO different from everyone else. I guess everyone feels this way. I just wish this month would end. July has SUCKED for me. Nothing good has come out of it...except some fireworks on the 4th. I just want to roll up in a effing ball on my bed and cry...
I sound like such a brat right now. I really do...and I don't mean to. In the two years that I have been here I have had so many great times and great opportunities. I am out...